Call Number (LC) Title Results
GA 1.13:GAO-12-244 Oil and Gas Interior Has Strengthened Its Oversight of Subsea Well Containment, but Should Improve Its Documentation.
Oil and gas Interior has strengthened its oversight of subsea well containment, but should improve its documentation : report to congressional requesters.
GA 1.13:GAO-12-246 Export Controls Proposed Reforms Create Opportunities To Address Enforcement Challenges.
Export controls proposed reforms create opportunities to address enforcement challenges : report to congressional committees.
GA 1.13:GAO-12-247 National Credit Union Administration Earlier Actions Are Needed To Better Address Troubled Credit Unions.
National Credit Union Administration earlier actions are needed to better address troubled credit unions : report to congressional committees.
GA 1.13:GAO-12-248 Early Child Care and Education HHS and Education Are Taking Steps To Improve Workforce Data and Enhance Worker Quality.
Early child care and education HHS and Education are taking steps to improve workforce data and enhance worker quality : report to the Chairman, Committee on Finance, U.S. Senate.
GA 1.13:GAO-12-255 Department of Energy Additional Opportunities Exist To Streamline Support Functions at NNSA and Office of Science Sites.
Department of Energy additional opportunities exist to streamline support functions at NNSA and Office of Science sites : report to congressional requesters.
GA 1.13:GAO-12-256 Crop Insurance Savings Would Result from Program Changes and Greater Use of Data Mining.
Crop insurance savings would result from program changes and greater use of data mining : report to the Ranking Member, Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, U.S. Senate.
GA 1.13:GAO-12-257 Food Safety Preslaughter Interventions Could Reduce E. coli in Cattle.
Food safety preslaughter interventions could reduce E. coli in cattle : report to the Secretary of Agriculture.
GA 1.13:GAO-12-258 Nuclear Regulation NRC's Oversight of Nuclear Power Reactors' Decommissioning Funds Could Be Further Strengthened.
Nuclear regulation NRC's oversight of nuclear power reactors' decommissioning funds could be further strengthened : report to the Honorable Edward J. Markey, House of Representatives.
GA 1.13:GAO-12-260 Renewable Energy Federal Agencies Implement Hundreds of Initiatives.
Renewable energy federal agencies implement hundreds of initiatives : report to the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, U.S. Senate.
GA 1.13:GAO-12-261 Diesel Pollution Fragmented Federal Programs That Reduce Mobile Source Emissions Could Be Improved.
Diesel pollution fragmented federal program that reduce mobile source emissions could be improved : report to congressional committees.
GA 1.13:GAO-12-262 Community Development Limited Information on the Use and Effectiveness of Tax Expenditures Could Be Mitigated Through Congressional Attention.
Community development limited information on the use and effectiveness of tax expenditures could be mitigated through congressional attention : report to congressional requesters.
GA 1.13:GAO-12-263 Defense Contracting Improved Policies and Tools Could Help Increase Competition on DOD's National Security Exception Procurements.
Defense contracting improved policies and tools could help increase competition on DOD's national security exception procurements : report to congressional committees.
GA 1.13:GAO-12-264 DHS Human Capital Senior Leadership Vacancy Rates Generally Declined, but Components' Rates Varied.
DHS human capital senior leadership vacancy rates generally declined, but components' rates varied : report to congressional committees.
GA 1.13:GAO-12-265 Municipal Securities Overview of Market Structure, Pricing, and Regulation.
Municipal securities overview of market structure, pricing, and regulation : report to congressional committees.
GA 1.13:GAO-12-266 Checked Baggage Screening TSA Has Deployed Optimal Systems at the Majority of TSA-Regulated Airports, but Could Strengthen Cost Estimates.
Checked baggage screening TSA has deployed optimal systems at the majority of TSA-regulated airports, but could strengthen cost estimates : report to congressional requesters.
GA 1.13:GAO-12-269 Border security additional steps needed to ensure that officers are fully trained : report to congressional requesters.
Border Security Additional Steps Needed To Ensure That Officers Are Fully Trained.
GA 1.13:GAO-12-272 Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Risk Assessments DHS Should Establish More Specific Guidance for Their Use.
Chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear risk assessments DHS should establish more specific guidance for their use : report to Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, U.S. Senate.
GA 1.13:GAO-12-274 Immigrant Integration U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Could Better Assess Its Grant Program.
Immigrant integration U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services could better assess its grant program : report to the Ranking Member, Committee on Homeland Security, House of Representatives.
GA 1.13:GAO-12-280 Warfighter Support DOD Needs Strategic Outcome-Related Goals and Visibility over Its Counter-IED Efforts.
Warfighter support DOD needs strategic outcome-related goals and visibility over its counter-IED efforts : report to congressional requesters.
GA 1.13:GAO-12-282 National Aeronautics and Space Administration Acquisition Approach for Commercial Crew Transportation Includes Good Practices, but Faces Significant Challenges.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration acquisition approach for commercial crew transportation includes good practices, but faces significant challenges : report to congressional committees.