Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
GA 1.13:GAO-13-536 |
VA health care : actions needed to improve administration of the provider performance pay and award systems : report to congressional requesters. VA Health Care Actions Needed To Improve Administration of the Provider Performance Pay and Award Systems. |
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GA 1.13:GAO-13-537 |
Foreign assistance : U.S. programs involving the Palestine Investment Fund : report to congressional requesters. Foreign Assistance U.S. Programs Involving the Palestine Investment Fund. |
2 |
GA 1.13:GAO-13-538 SP | Voters with disabilities : challenges to voting accessibility : statement before the National Council on Disability / | 1 |
GA 1.13:GAO-13-538SP | Voters with Disabilities Challenges to Voting Accessibility. | 1 |
GA 1.13:GAO-13-539 |
Defense suppliers : factors affecting U.S. titanium aircraft component manufacturers' market share of DOD business : report to congressional committees. Defense Suppliers Factors Affecting U.S. Titanium Aircraft Component Manufacturers' Market Share of DOD Business. |
2 |
GA 1.13:GAO-13-540 | Management Report Improvements Needed in Controls over the Preparation of the U.S. Consolidated Financial Statements. | 1 |
GA 1.13:GAO-13-542 |
Federal Housing Administration : improving disposition and oversight practices may increase returns on foreclosed property sales : report to congressional requesters. Federal Housing Administration Improving Disposition and Oversight Practices May Increase Returns on Foreclosed Property Sales. |
2 |
GA 1.13:GAO-13-543 |
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act : HHS's process for awarding and overseeing exchange and rate review grants to states : report to congressional requesters. Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act HHS's Process for Awarding and Overseeing Exchange and Rate Review Grants to States. |
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GA 1.13:GAO-13-544 |
Federal-aid highways : improved guidance could enhance states' use of life-cycle cost analysis in pavement selection : report to congressional committees. Federal-Aid Highways Improved Guidance Could Enhance States' Use of Life-Cycle Cost Analysis in Pavement Selection. |
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GA 1.13:GAO-13-549 |
Congressionally chartered organizations : key principles for leveraging nonfederal resources : report to congressional committees. Congressionally Chartered Organizations Key Principles for Leveraging Nonfederal Resources. |
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GA 1.13:GAO-13-552 |
Grants performance : Justice and FEMA collect performance data for selected grants, but action needed to validate FEMA performance data : report to congressional requesters. Grants Performance Justice and FEMA Collect Performance Data for Selected Grants, but Action Needed To Validate FEMA Performance Data. |
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GA 1.13:GAO-13-553 |
Indian Health Service : most American Indians and Alaska Natives potentially eligible for expanded health coverage, but action needed to increase enrollment : report to congressional addresses. Indian Health Service: Most American Indians and Alaska Natives Potentially Eligible for Expanded Health Coverage, but Action Needed To Increase Enrollment. Indian Health Service most American Indians and Alaska Natives potentially eligible for expanded health coverage, but action needed to increase enrollment : report to congressional addresses / |
3 |
GA 1.13:GAO-13-554 | Financial Audit Congressional Award Foundation's Fiscal Years 2012 and 2011 Financial Statements. | 1 |
GA 1.13:GAO-13-555 |
Employment and training : Labor's green jobs efforts highlight challenges of targeted training programs for emerging industries : report to congressionsl requesters. Employment and Training Labor's Green Jobs Efforts Highlight Challenges of Targeted Training Programs for Emerging Industries. |
2 |
GA 1.13:GAO-13-557 |
DOD business systems modernization : further actions needed to address challenges and improve accountability : report to congressional committees. DOD Business Systems Modernization Further Actions Needed To Address Challenges and Improve Accountability. |
2 |
GA 1.13:GAO-13-558 |
Haiti reconstruction : USAID infrastructure projects have had mixed results and face sustainability challenges : report to Congressional requesters. Haiti Reconstruction USAID Infrastructure Projects Have Had Mixed Results and Face Sustainability Challenges. |
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GA 1.13:GAO-13-560 |
Internet pharmacies : federal agencies and state face challenges combating rogue sites, particularly those aboard : report to congressional committees. Internet Pharmacies Federal Agencies and States Face Challenges Combating Rogue Sites, Particularly Those Abroad. |
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GA 1.13:GAO-13-561 |
DHS financial management : additional efforts needed to resolve deficiencies in internal controls and financial management systems : report to congressional requesters. DHS Financial Management: Additional Efforts Needed To Resolve Deficiencies in Internal Controls and Financial Management Systems. |
2 |
GA 1.13:GAO-13-564 |
Military airlift : DOD needs to take steps to manage workload distributed to the Civil Reserve Air Fleet : report to congressional committees. Military Airlift DOD Needs To Take Steps To Manage Workload Distributed to the Civil Reserve Air Fleet. |
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GA 1.13:GAO-13-566 |
Defense contractors : information on the impact of reducing the cap on employee compensation costs : report to congressional committees. Defense Contractors Information on the Impact of Reducing the Cap on Employee Compensation Costs. |
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