Call Number (LC) Title Results
GA 1.13:GAO-17-38 DOD Commissaries and Exchanges : Plan and Additional Information Needed on Cost Savings and Metrics for DOD Efforts To Achieve Budget Neutrality.
DOD commissaries and exchanges, plan and additional information needed on cost savings and metrics for DOD efforts to achieve budget neutrality : report to congressional committees.
GA 1.13:GAO-17-39 Military Compensation : Additional Actions Are Needed To Better Manage Special and Incentive Pay Programs.
Military compensation, additional actions are needed to better manage special and incentive pay programs : report to the Committee on Armed Services, U.S. Senate.
GA 1.13:GAO-17-40 Coast Guard : Most Training Providers Expect To Implement Revised International Maritime Standards by the Deadline Despite Challenges. 1
GA 1.13:GAO-17-42 Medicare : Initial Results of Revised Process To Screen Providers and Suppliers, and Need for Objectives and Performance Measures. 1
GA 1.13:GAO-17-43 Indian Energy Development : Additional Actions by Federal Agencies Are Needed To Overcome Factors Hindering Development.
Indian energy development additional actions by federal agencies are needed to overcome factors hindering development : report to the Chairman, Committee on Indian Affairs, U.S. Senate /
Indian energy development, additional actions by federal agencies are needed to overcome factors hindering development : report to the Chairman, Committee on Indian Affairs, U.S. Senate.
GA 1.13:GAO-17-44 U.S. Capitol Grounds Concerts : Improvements Needed in Management Approval Controls over Certain Payments. 1
GA 1.13:GAO-17-45 Social Security Offsets : Improvements to Program Design Could Better Assist Older Student Loan Borrowers with Obtaining Permitted Relief. 1
GA 1.13:GAO-17-47 Corporate shareholder meetings, proxy advisory firms' role in voting and corporate governance practices : report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Economic Policy, Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, U.S. Senate. 1
GA 1.13:GAO-17-48 Federal Reserve : Additional Actions Could Help Ensure the Achievement of Stress Test Goals.
Federal reserve, additional actions could help ensure the achievement of stress test goals : report to the Chairman, Committee on Financial Services, House of Representatives.
GA 1.13:GAO-17-49 Motor Carriers : Better Information Needed To Assess Effectiveness and Efficiency of Safety Interventions.
Motor carriers, better information needed to assess effectiveness and efficiency of safety interventions : report to congressional requesters.
GA 1.13:GAO-17-50 Veterans Health Care : Improvements Needed in Operationalizing Strategic Goals and Objectives.
Veterans health care, improvements needed in operationalizing strategic goals and objectives : report to congressional requesters.
GA 1.13:GAO-17-51 Program Management : DOE Needs To Develop a Comprehensive Policy and Training Program. 1
GA 1.13:GAO-17-52 VA Health Care : Improved Monitoring Needed for Effective Oversight of Care for Women Veterans.
VA health care, improved monitoring needed for effective oversight of care for women veterans : report to congressional requesters.
VA health care improved monitoring needed for effective oversight of care for women veterans /
GA 1.13:GAO-17-53 Unmanned Aerial Systems : Air Force and Army Should Improve Strategic Human Capital Planning for Pilot Workforces. 1
GA 1.13:GAO-17-54 Navy Ship Maintenance : Action Needed To Maximize New Contracting Strategy's Potential Benefits.
Navy ship maintenance, action needed to maximize new contracting strategy's potential benefits : report to congressional committees.
GA 1.13:GAO-17-55 Medicare Value-Based Payment Models : Participation Challenges and Available Assistance for Small and Rural Practices. 1
GA 1.13:GAO-17-56 Human Trafficking : State Has Made Improvements in Its Annual Report but Does Not Explicitly Explain Certain Tier Rankings or Changes.
Human trafficking, State has made improvements in its annual report but does does not explicitly explain certain tier rankings or changes : report to congressional requesters.
GA 1.13:GAO-17-57 Radiation Portal Monitors : DHS's Fleet Is Lasting Longer Than Expected, and Future Acquisitions Focus on Operational Efficiencies. 1
GA 1.13:GAO-17-58 Radioactive Sources : Opportunities Exist for Federal Agencies To Strengthen Transportation Security.
Radioactive sources, opportunities exist for federal agencies to strengthen transportation security : report to congressional requesters.
GA 1.13:GAO-17-59 Permanent Funding Authorities : Some Selected Entities Should Review Financial Management, Oversight, and Transparency Policies. 1