GA 1.13:GAO-22-104560
Cybersecurity : internet architecture is considered resilient, but federal agencies continue to address risks : report to the Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives. |
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Cybersecurity : Internet Architecture is Considered Resilient, but Federal Agencies Continue To Address Risks. |
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Steel and Aluminum Tariffs : Commerce Should Update Public Guidance To Reflect Changes in the Exclusion Process. |
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Uncrewed Maritime Systems : Navy Should Improve Its Approach To Maximize Early Investments. |
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GA 1.13:GAO-22-104568
Border Patrol: actions needed to improve checkpoint oversight and data : report to congressional requesters. |
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Open Data : Additional Action Required for Full Public Access. |
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National Highways : Analysis of Available Data Could Better Ensure Equitable Pavement Condition. |
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Air Travel and Communicable Diseases : Federal Leadership Needed To Advance Research. |
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Human Capital : Administration and Implementation of the General Schedule Locality Pay Program. |
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GA 1.13:GAO-22-104581
K-12 education : an estimated 1.1 million teachers nationwide had at least one student who never showed up for class in the 2020-21 school year : congressional committees. |
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K-12 Education : An Estimated 1.1 Million Teachers Nationwide Had At Least One Student Who Never Showed Up for Class in the 2020-21 School Year. |
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GA 1.13:GAO-22-104582
Tax equity : enhanced evaluation could improve outreach to small business owners : report to congressional committees / |
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Tax Equity : Enhanced Evaluation Could Improve Outreach to Small Business Owners. |
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GA 1.13:GAO-22-104583
Transportation security: TSA efforts to coordinate with stateholders on COVID-19 security directives : report to congressional committees. |
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Transportation Security : TSA Efforts To Coordinate with Stakeholders on COVID-19 Security Directives. |
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Financial Audit : Bureau of the Fiscal Service's FY 2021 and FY 2020 Schedules of Federal Debt. |
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GA 1.13:GAO-22-104597
Mental health care : access challenges for covered consumers and relevant federal efforts : report to the Chairman, Committee on Finance, U.S. Senate. |
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Mental Health Care : Access Challenges for Covered Consumers and Relevant Federal Efforts. |
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GA 1.13:GAO-22-104600
COVID-19: pandemic lessons highlight need for public health situational awareness network : report to congressional addressees. |
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COVID-19 : Pandemic Lessons Highlight Need for Public Health Situational Awareness Network. |
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