GA 1.13:NSIAD-87-96 FS
International trade activity under section 201 of the Trade Act of 1974 : fact sheet for the Chairman, Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, U.S. Senate / |
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GA 1.13:NSIAD-87-97
Military airlift Air Force analysis supports acquisition of C-17 aircraft : report to the Chairman, Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives / |
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GA 1.13:NSIAD-87-98
Weapon systems shortfalls in automatic fault diagnosis : report to the Secretary of the Army / |
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GA 1.13:NSIAD-87-99 BR
Navy Shore Manpower program decision to decentralize needs to be rethought : briefing report to the Chairman, Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives / |
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GA 1.13:NSIAD-87-100
International trade combating unfair foreign trade practices : report to the Chairman, Committee on Finance, U.S. Senate / |
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GA 1.13:NSIAD-87-101
Navy manpower squadron manpower program needs improvement : report to the Chairman, Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives / |
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GA 1.13:NSIAD-87-103 BR
International trade : synopsis of recent GAO reports on trade issues : briefing report to the Chairman, Committee on Finance, United States Senate, and Committee on Ways and Means, House of Representatives / |
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GA 1.13:NSIAD-87-104
Army maintenance continuing problems in performing maintenance at the user level : report to the Secretary of the Army / |
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GA 1.13:NSIAD-87-105 BR
Navy construction : issues of the proposed move of the naval support activity, Naples, Italy : briefing report to the Chairman, Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives / |
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GA 1.13:NSIAD-87-106 FS
Aircraft basing decision to base Navy TACAMO aircraft at Tinker Air Force Base, Oklahoma : fact sheet for congressional requesters / |
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GA 1.13:NSIAD-87-107
Weather satellites economies available by converging government meteorological satellites : report to congressional committees and subcommittees / |
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GA 1.13:NSIAD-87-108 BR
Testing oversight operational test and evaluation oversight : improving but more is needed : briefing report to congressional requesters / |
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GA 1.13:NSIAD-87-109
Foreign aid impact of Overseas Private Investment Corporation activities on U.S. employment : report to the Congress / |
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GA 1.13:NSIAD-87-110
Family housing DOD procedures to identify housing needs can be improved : report to the Secretary of Defense / |
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GA 1.13:NSIAD-87-111 BR
Military personnel proposed increases in household goods weight allowances : briefing report to congressional requesters / |
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GA 1.13:NSIAD-87-112 BR
Military construction the Letterkenny Army Depot retrieval system : briefing report to the Honorable Frank H. Murkowski, United States Senate / |
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GA 1.13:NSIAD-87-113 BR
Procurement status of simplified munition lift trailer program : briefing report to the Chairman, Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives / |
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GA 1.13:NSIAD-87-114
Iran arms sales : DOD's transfer of arms to the Central Intelligence Agency : report to the Chairmen, Senate and House Select Committees Investigating Iran Arms Sales / |
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GA 1.13:NSIAD-87-115
Military airlift requirements for aerial port personnel in wartime need to be determined : report to the Secretary of Defense / |
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GA 1.13:NSIAD-87-116
DOD revolving door post-DOD employment may raise concerns : report to congressional requesters / |
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