Call Number (LC) Title Results
GA 1.13:PLRD-81-37 Management improvements needed in Coast Guard supply system : report to the secretary of Transportation / 1
GA 1.13:PLRD-81-41 [Navy's berthing facilities for ships undergoing overhaul]. 1
GA 1.13:PLRD-81-42 Greater coordination required in defense planning for intratheater airlift needs : report to the secretary of Defense / 1
GA 1.13:PLRD-81-46 GSA's management of reimbursable building services needs improvement : report to the Administrator of General Services / 1
GA 1.13:PLRD-81-48 Civil agencies should save millions by recovering silver from photographic wastes : report to the Congress / 1
GA 1.13:PLRD-81-48/sum Civil agencies should save millions by recovering silver from photographic wastes : report to the Congress : summary / 1
GA 1.13:PLRD-81-51 Federal facilities acquisition and management : issues for planning : study / 1
GA 1.13:PLRD-81-52 Logistics managers need to consider operational readiness in setting safety level stocks : report to the Secretary of Defense / 1
GA 1.13:PLRD-81-53 DOD can save millions by using less expensive packaging for small arms training ammunition : to the Secretary of Defense / 1
GA 1.13:PLRD-81-59 Improved management of fleet supplies and spare parts can save millions without affecting readiness : report to the Congress / 1
GA 1.13:PLRD-81-59/sum Improved management of fleet supplies and spare parts can save millions without affecting readiness : summary : report to the Congress / 1
GA 1.13:PLRD-81-60 Less costly ways to budget and provision spares for new weapon systems should be used : report to the Congress / 1
GA 1.13:PLRD-81-60/sum Less costly ways to budget and provision spares for new weapon systems should be used : report to the Congress : summary / 1
GA 1.13:PLRD-82-1 Conventional design and construction methods are more applicable for Capitol Hill Construction Projects : report to the Congress / 1
GA 1.13:PLRD-82-1/sum Conventional design and construction methods are more applicable for Capitol Hill construction projects : summary : report to the Congress / 1
GA 1.13:PLRD-82-2 Two contracts for nuclear attack submarines modified under authority of Public Law 85-804--status as of December 20, 1980 : report to the Congress / 1
GA 1.13:PLRD-82-3 Department of Defense food service program needs contracting and management improvements : report to the secretary of Defense / 1
GA 1.13:PLRD-82-4 [Potential reductions in aircraft operation and maintenance costs by using thrust computing support equipment]. 1
GA 1.13:PLRD-82-5 The Department of the Interior's Office of Aircraft Services should not be abolished report to the chairman, Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, House of Representatives / 1
GA 1.13:PLRD-82-7 [Use of new and minority-owned architechtural and engineering firms by selected Army and Navy activities]. 1