GA 1.13:RCED-90-32
Crop insurance : private company loss adjustment improving, but overpayments still high. |
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GA 1.13:RCED-90-33
Homelessness action needed to make federal surplus property program more effective : report to congressional requesters / |
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GA 1.13:RCED-90-33 BR
Federal research information on site selection process for DOE's Super Collider : briefing report to congressional requesters / |
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GA 1.13:RCED-90-34
Federal electric power : Bonneville's Residential Exchange Program : report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Water, Power, and Offshore Energy Resources, Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, House of Representatives / |
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GA 1.13:RCED-90-36
Aviation safety : FAA's safety inspection management system lacks adequate oversight. |
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GA 1.13:RCED-90-37
Rural development : problems and progress of colonia subdivisions near Mexico Border : report to the Chairman, Committee on Agriculture, House of Representatives / |
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GA 1.13:RCED-90-38 BR
Small Business : development centers meet counseling needs of most clients : briefing report to the Chairman, Committee on Small Business, U.S. Senate / |
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GA 1.13:RCED-90-39
Aviation safety : facility ranking of controller survey responses. |
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GA 1.13:RCED-90-40
Rural development : feasibility of requiring larger water pipes in FmHA water projects : report to the Honorable Gillespie V. Montgomery, House of Representatives / |
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GA 1.13:RCED-90-41
Mass transit grants : UMTA needs to increase safety focus at local transit authority. |
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GA 1.13:RCED-90-42
Ocean research fleet : NOAA needs to plan for long-term fleet requirements : report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Oceanography and the Great Lakes, Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries, House of Representatives / |
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GA 1.13:RCED-90-43
Railroad safety : DOT should better manage its hazardous materials inspection program : report to the chairman, Committee on Energy and Commerce, House of Representatives / |
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GA 1.13:RCED-90-44
Coast Guard : adequacy of preparation and response to Exxon Valdez oil spill : report to congressional requesters / |
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GA 1.13:RCED-90-45 FS
Aviation safety : information on FAA's age 60 rule for pilots. |
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GA 1.13:RCED-90-46FS
Nuclear waste : DOE's program to prepare high-level radioactive waste for final disposal : fact sheet for the Chairman, Environment, Energy, and Natural Resources Subcommittee, Committee on Government Operations, House of Representatives / |
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GA 1.13:RCED-90-47
Nuclear health and safety DOE's award fees at Rocky Flats do not adequately reflect ES&H problems : report to the Chairman, Environment, Energy and Natural Resources Subcommittee, Committee on Government Operations, House of Representatives / |
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GA 1.13:RCED-90-48 FS
Urban action grants : information on resident and business relocation from Poletown project : fact sheet for the chairman, Subcommittee on Housing and Community Development, Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs, House of Representatives / |
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GA 1.13:RCED-90-50
Gasoline marketing : consumers have limited assurance that octane ratings are accurate : report to congressional requesters / |
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GA 1.13:RCED-90-51
Wool and mohair program : need for program still in question : report to the Honorable Charles E. Shumer, House of Representatives / |
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GA 1.13:RCED-90-52
Homelessness : McKinney Act programs and funding for fiscal year 1989 : report to the Congress / |
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