Call Number (LC) Title Results
GA 1.13:RCED-97-57 Food-related services opportunities exist to recover costs by charging beneficiaries : report to Congressional committees / 2
GA 1.13:RCED-97-58 Intellectual property comparison of patent examination statistics for fiscal years 1994 and 1995 : report to the Chairman, Committee on the Judiciary, U.S. Senate / 2
GA 1.13:RCED-97-61 R USDA procurement information on activities during fiscal year 1996 / 2
GA 1.13:RCED-97-62 Housing HUD's program for persons with AIDS : report to the Subcommittee on VA, HUD and Independent Agencies, Committee on Appropriations, House of Representatives / 2
GA 1.13:RCED-97-63 Department of Energy management and oversight of cleanup activities at Fernald : report to the congressional requesters / 2
GA 1.13:RCED-97-64 Native American housing information on HUD's housing programs for Native Americans : report to the Subcommittee on VA, HUD, and Independent Agencies, Committee on Appropriations, House of Representatives / 3
GA 1.13:RCED-97-65 R USDA management progress in meeting GPRA's requirements / 2
GA 1.13:RCED-97-66 Superfund state voluntary programs provide incentives to encourage cleanups : report to congressional requesters / 2
GA 1.13:RCED-97-67 Fair housing funding and activities under the Fair Housing Initiatives Program : report to the Subcommittee on VA, HUD, and Independent Agencies, Committee on Appropriations, House of Representatives / 2
GA 1.13:RCED-97-68 Commercial trucking safety concerns about Mexican trucks remain even as inspection activity increases : report to congressional committees / 2
GA 1.13:RCED-97-70 Crop insurance opportunities exist to reduce government costs for private-sector delivery : report to congressional committees / 2
GA 1.13:RCED-97-71 Forest Service decision-making a framework for improving performance : report to congressional requesters / 2
GA 1.13:RCED-97-72 Nuclear safety International Atomic Energy Agency's nuclear technical assistance for Cuba : report to congressional requesters / 2
GA 1.13:RCED-97-73 R Transportation infrastructure estimated funding under the Transportation Empowerment Act / 2
GA 1.13:RCED-97-74 Urban transportation challenges to widespread deployment of intelligent transportation systems : report to congressional committees / 2
GA 1.13:RCED-97-75 Rural development new approach to empowering communities needs refinement : report to the Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry, U.S. Senate / 2
GA 1.13:RCED-97-77 Superfund, stronger EPA-state relationship can improve cleanups and reduce costs report to congressional requesters / 2
GA 1.13:RCED-97-82 Rural development financial condition of the Rural Utilities Service's loan portfolio : report to the Chairman, Committee on the Budget, House of Representatives / 2
GA 1.13:RCED-97-84 Aviation safety opportunities exist for FAA to refine the controller staffing process : report to congressional requesters / 2
GA 1.13:RCED-97-85 R Department of Energy major system acquisitions from 1980 through 1996 / 2