GA 1.41:GAO-09-943 R
Management report opportunities for improvements in FDIC's internal controls and accounting procedures / |
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GA 1.41:GAO-09-943R
Management Report Opportunities for Improvements in FDIC's Internal Controls and Accounting Procedures. |
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GA 1.41:GAO-09-947 R
Ryan White CARE Act estimated effect of proposed stop-loss provision in H.R. 3293 on urban areas / |
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GA 1.41:GAO-09-947R
Ryan White CARE Act Estimated Effect of Proposed Stop-Loss Provision in H.R. 3293 on Urban Areas [Corrected Version] |
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GA 1.41:GAO-09-951 R
U.S. embargo on Cuba recent regulatory changes and potential presidential or congressional actions / |
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GA 1.41:GAO-09-951R
U.S. Embargo on Cuba Recent Regulatory Changes and Potential Presidential or Congressional Actions. |
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GA 1.41:GAO-09-968 R
Defense acquisitions Department of Defense needs a unified strategy for balancing investments in tactical wheeled vehicles / |
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GA 1.41:GAO-09-968R
Defense Acquisitions Department of Defense Needs a Unified Strategy for Balancing Investments in Tactical Wheeled Vehicles. |
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GA 1.41:GAO-09-978 R
Defense acquisitions Army aviation modernization has benefited from increased funding but several challenges need to be addressed / |
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GA 1.41:GAO-09-978R
Defense Acquisitions Army Aviation Modernization Has Benefited from Increased Funding but Several Challenges Need To Be Addressed. |
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GA 1.41:GAO-09-992 R
Federal student loans audits and reviews of the Federal Family Education Loan and Federal Direct Loan Programs / |
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GA 1.41:GAO-09-992R
Federal Student Loans Audits and Reviews of the Federal Family Education Loan and Federal Direct Loan Programs. |
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GA 1.41:GAO-09-1022 R
Overseas contingency operations reported obligations for the Department of Defense / |
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GA 1.41:GAO-09-1022R
Overseas Contingency Operations Reported Obligations for the Department of Defense. |
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GA 1.41:GAO-09-1023 R
Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau fiscal year 2010 proposed licensing and registration fees program / |
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GA 1.41:GAO-09-1023R
Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau Fiscal Year 2010 Proposed Licensing and Registration Fees Program. |
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GA 1.41:GAO-09-1037 R
Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service migratory bird hunting: migratory bird hunting regulations on certain federal Indian reservations and ceded lands for the 2009-10 early season / |
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GA 1.41:GAO-10-15 R
U.S. marshals qualifications and comparison of demographic characteristics to their counterparts in selected federal law enforcement agencies / |
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GA 1.41:GAO-10-15R
U.S. Marshals Qualifications and Comparison of Demographic Characteristics to Their Counterparts in Selected Federal Law Enforcement Agencies. |
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GA 1.41:GAO-10-37 R
Nursing homes opportunities exist to facilitate the use of the temporary management sanction / |
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