Call Number (LC) Title Results
GA203 .S7613 2022 Maps that made history : 1000 years of world history in 100 old maps / 1
GA203 .T96 2015 Stitching the world : embroidered maps and women's geographical education / 1
GA203 .V35 2013 Map worlds : a history of women in cartography / 1
GA203 .V57 2007 Cartographia : mapping civilizations / 1
GA205 .A64 2012 Ancient perspectives : maps and their place in Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece & Rome /
Ancient perspectives : maps and their place in Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, and Rome /
GA205 .C37 2008 Cartography in antiquity and the Middle Ages : fresh perspectives, new methods / 1
GA205 .C37 2008eb Cartography in antiquity and the Middle Ages : fresh perspectives, new methods / 1
GA213 .D44 1998 Greek and Roman maps / 2
GA213 .H4 The frame of the ancient Greek maps : with a discussion of the discovery of the sphericity of the earth / 1
GA213 .S26 El primer mapa del mundo con la representación de los dos hemisferios concebido por Macrobio : estudio crítico y bibliográfico de su evolución / 1
GA221 Cartography between Christian Europe and the Arabic-Islamic world, 1100-1500 : divergent traditions / 2
GA221 .C4913 2006 Northern Eurasia in medieval cartography : inventory, text, translation, and commentary / 1
GA221 .C66 2009 The maps of Matthew Paris : medieval journeys through space, time and liturgy / 1
GA221 .D56 2015 Studien zu Paulinus Venetus, De mapa mundi / 1
GA221 .E37 1997 Mapping time and space : how medieval mapmakers viewed their world / 1
GA221 .E38 2007 The world map, 1300-1492 : the persistence of tradition and transformation / 3
GA221 .F353 2006 Fra Mauro's world map : with a commentary and translations of the inscriptions / 1
GA221 .H37 1991 Medieval maps / 1
GA221 .H53 2008 Terra incognita : mapping the Antipodes before 1600 / 1
GA221 .M58 2006 Maps and monsters in medieval England
Maps and monsters in medieval England /