Call Number (LC) Title Results
GA4.2/M56/2009/INTERNET The continuing examination of the treatment of persons with mental illness who are involved in the criminal and juvenile justice systems 2009 report to Legislative Council 1
GA4.2/M61/2009/INTERNET Revised impact of mill levy freeze 1
GA4.2/M85/INTERNET Colorado motor vehicle law resource book. 1
GA4.2/N95/2012/INTERNET Implementation of the final water quality regulations on nutrients / 1
GA4.2/OF2/2005/INTERNET Off-the-top funding of the Highway users tax fund from FY 2001-02 to FY 2005-06 1
GA4.2/OF2/2010/INTERNET Projected revenue from HUTF off-the-top distributions for FY 2010-11 1
GA4.2/OF2/2011/INTERNET Projected revenue from HUTF off-the-top distributions for FY2012-13 1
GA4.2/OV2/2009/INTERNET Transportation Legislation Review Committee overview 1
GA4.2/OV2/2011/INTERNET Overview of recent audit recommendations for selected departments / 1
GA4.2/OV2/2018/INTERNET Overview of the Colorado Public Employees' Retirement Association and changes made by Senate Bill 18-200 / 1
GA4.2/OV2/2019/INTERNET Overview of the Colorado Public Employee's Retirement Association and changes made by Senate Bill 18-200 / 1
GA4.2/OV2/2021/INTERNET Overview of the Colorado Public Employee's Retirement Association / 1
GA4.2/OV2/2022/INTERNET Overview of the Colorado Public Employee's Retirement Association / 1
GA4.2/P15/2020/2/INTERNET State paid family and medical leave laws / 1
GA4.2/P15/2020/INTERNET State paid family and medical leave laws / 1
GA4.2/P15/2021/INTERNET State paid family and medical leave laws / 1
GA4.2/P15/2023/INTERNET State paid family and medical leave laws / 1
GA4.2/P24/2004/2/INTERNET Technical parole violations 1
GA4.2/P24/2004/INTERNET Overview of parole revocations to prison 1
GA4.2/P24/2013/INTERNET Background and purpose of the intensive supervision parole program / 1