Call Number (LC) Title Results
GA4.20/97-5 Initiatives and referenda in the 1990s / 2
GA4.20/97-5/INTERNET Initiatives and referenda in the 1990s 1
GA4.20/97-6 School finance as a tax policy tool / 2
GA4.20/97-6/INTERNET School finance as a tax policy tool 1
GA4.20/97-7 Stability of state and local tax revenues / 2
GA4.20/97-7/INTERNET Stability of state and local tax revenues 1
GA4.20/97-8 Who pays Colorado taxes? / 1
GA4.20/98-1 Transportation finance / 2
GA4.20/98-1/INTERNET Transportation finance 1
GA4.20/98-2 Capital development funding / 2
GA4.20/98-2/INTERNET Capital development funding 1
GA4.20/98-3 Appropriations growth by function / 2
GA4.20/98-3/INTERNET Appropriations growth by function 1
GA4.20/98-4 The big picture : an overview of state finances / 2
GA4.20/98-4/INTERNET The big picture an overview of state finances / 1
GA4.20/98-5 Health education and public policy / 2
GA4.20/98-5/INTERNET Health education and public policy 1
GA4.20/98-6 Chemical warfare disposal / 2
GA4.20/98-6/INTERNET Chemical warfare disposal 1
GA4.20/98-8 Colorado's School-to-Career Program / 2