Call Number (LC) Title Results
GA4.9/213/INTERNET Legislative Council report to the Colorado General Assembly 1
GA4.9/214 Legislative Council report to the Colorado General Assembly / 1
GA4.9/214/INTERNET Legislative Council report to the Colorado General Assembly 1
GA4.9/215 Colorado tax profile study, 1975 / 1
GA4.9/215/INTERNET Colorado tax profile study 1975 / 1
GA4.9/216 Salary recommendations for selected public officials / 1
GA4.9/216/INTERNET Salary recommendations for selected public officials 1
GA4.9/217 An analysis of 1976 ballot proposals / 1
GA4.9/217/INTERNET An analysis of 1976 ballot proposals 1
GA4.9/218-219 Colorado Legislative Council recommendations for 1977 : Legislative Council report to the Colorado General Assembly. 1
GA4.9/218-219/INTERNET Colorado Legislative Council recommendations for 1977 Legislative Council report to the Colorado General Assembly. 1
GA4.9/220 Colorado Legislative Council recommendations for 1977 : costs of health care : Legislative Council report to the Colorado General Assembly / 1
GA4.9/220/INTERNET Colorado Legislative Council recommendations for 1977 costs of health care : Legislative Council report to the Colorado General Assembly / 1
GA4.9/221 Committee on School Finance : Legislative Council report to the Colorado General Assembly / 1
GA4.9/221/INTERNET Legislative Council report to the Colorado General Assembly 1
GA4.9/222 Second report of the Colorado State Officials' Compensation Commission. 1
GA4.9/222/INTERNET Second report of the Colorado State Officials' Compensation Commission 1
GA4.9/223-227 Colorado Legislative Council recommendations for 1978 : Legislative Council report to the Colorado General Assembly. 2
GA4.9/223-227,229 Colorado Legislative Council recommendations for 1978 : Legislative Council report to the Colorado General Assembly. 1
GA4.9/223-227/INTERNET Colorado Legislative Council recommendations for 1978 Legislative Council report to the Colorado General Assembly. 1