GB1197.7 .I57 2011
Conceptual and modelling studies of integrated groundwater, surface water, and ecological systems / |
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GB1197.7 .I86 1989
Isotope techniques in the study of the hydrology of fractured and fissured rocks : proceedings of an advisory group meeting on the application of isotope techniques in the study of the hydrology of fractured and fissured rocks / |
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GB1197.7 .J863 2019
Viscous Flow Environments in Oceans and Inland Waters |
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GB1197.7 .K36 1998
Tracing technique in geohydrology / |
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GB1197.7 .K36 2018
Tracing technique in geohydrology / |
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GB1197.7 .K37 1998
Tracing technique in geohydrology / |
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GB1197.7 .K476 1998
Simulation of ground-water flow in the Albuquerque Basin, central New Mexico, 1901-95, with projections to 2020 / |
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GB1197.7 .K65 1987
Estimation of recharge rates to the sand and gravel aquifer using environmental tritium, Nantucket Island, Massachusetts / |
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GB1197.7 .K66
Modeling chloride movement in the alluvial aquifer at the Rocky Mountain Arsenal, Colorado / |
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GB1197.7 .K695 2000
Working with WhAEM2000 source water assessment for a glacial outwash wellfield, Vincennes, Indiana / |
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GB1197.7 .L43 1993
Geohydrology and simulation of ground-water flow in the northern Atlantic Coastal Plain aquifer system / |
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GB1197.7 .L53 1983
The boundary integral equation method for porous media flow / |
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GB1197.7 .L66
Computer estimates of natural recharge from soil moisture data, high plains of Colorado / |
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GB1197.7 .M33 1988
Simulation of flow in the Edwards Aquifer, San Antonio region, Texas, and refinement of storage and flow concepts / |
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GB1197.7 .M36 1992
Simulation of regional ground-water flow in the Cambrian-Ordovician aquifer system in the northern Midwest, United States / |
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GB1197.7 .M38 1996
Effects of simulated ground-water pumping and recharge on ground-water flow in Cape Cod, Martha's Vineyard, and Nantucket Island basins, Massachusetts / |
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GB1197.7 .M385 1996
Use of particle tracking to improve numerical model calibration and to analyze ground-water flow and contaminant migration, Massachusetts Military Reservation, western Cape Cod, Massachusetts / |
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GB1197.7 .M465 1996
Numerical simulation of a plume of brackish water in the Biscayne Aquifer originating from a flowing artesian well, Dade County, Florida / |
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GB1197.7 .M65 1973
Il Movimento dell'acqua nel terreno : atti del simposio della Società Italiana della Scienza del Suolo, Bari, 24 ottobre 1969. |
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GB1197.7 .N365 2004
Groundwater fluxes across interfaces / |
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