Call Number (LC) Title Results
GB395 .C64 no. 3 Climatic environment of the east slope of the Colorado front range / 1
GB395 .C64 no. 4 Short-term air-sea interactions and surface effects in the Baffin Bay-Davis Strait region from satellite observations / 1
GB395 .C64 no. 5 Simulation of the climate at the last glacial maximum using the NCAR global circulation model / 1
GB395 .C64 no. 6 Guide to the mosses of Colorado : keys and ecological notes based on field and herbarium studies / 1
GB395 .C64 no. 7 A climatological study of strong downslope winds in the Boulder area / 1
GB395 .C64 no. 8 Environmental inventory and land use recommendations for Boulder County, Colorado / 1
GB395 .C64 no. 9 Studies of climate and ice conditins in Eastern Baffin Island, 1971-73 / 1
GB395 .C64 no. 10 Simulation of the atmospheric circulation : using the NCAR global circulation model with present day and glacial period boundary conditions / 1
GB395 .C64 no. 11 Solar and atmospheric radiation data for Broughton Island, Eastern Baffin Island, Canada, 1971-1973 / 1
GB395 .C64 no. 12 Deglacial chronology and uplift history : northeastern sector, Laurentide ice sheet / 1
GB395 .C64 no. 14 Quality skiing at Aspen, Colorado : a study in recreational carrying capacity. 1
GB395 .C64 no. 15 Palynological and paleoclimatic study of the late Quaternary displacements of the boreal forest-tundra ecotone in Keewatin and Mackenzie, N.W.T., Canada : final report to the National Science Foundation / 1
GB395 .C64 no. 16 Computer techniques for the presentation of palynological and paleoenvironmental data / 1
GB395 .C64 no. 17 Avalanche atlas, San Juan County : prepared for San Juan County Commissioners and in cooperation with the San Juan County Land Use Planner / 1
GB395 .C64 no. 18 Century of struggle against snow : a history of avalanche hazard in San Juan County, Colorado : a contribution to the United States Unesco man and the biosphere (MAB) program project 6, study of the impact of human activities on mountain and tundra ecosystems / 1
GB395 .C64 no. 19 Avalanche release and snow characteristics, San Juan Mountains, Colorado : final report, 1971 - 1975 / 1
GB395 .C64 no. 20 Landslides near Aspen, Colorado : a contribution to the United States Unesco Man and the Biosphere (MAB) Program, project 6, study of the impact of human activities on mountain and tundra ecosystems / 1
GB395 .C64 no. 21 Radiocarbon date list III, Baffin Island, N.W.T., Canada / 1
GB395 .C64 no. 22 Physical mechanisms responsible for the major synoptic systems in the eastern Canadian Arctic in the winter and summer of 1973 / 1
GB395 .C64 no. 23 Procedures for the study of snow avalanche chronology using growth layers of woody plants / 1