Call Number (LC) Title Results
GB628.54 .F46 1992 Fens and bogs in the Netherlands : vegetation, history, nutrient dynamics and conservation / 1
GB628.55 .P513 Peat bogs of the Russian forest-steppe = (Torfyaniki russkoi lesostepi) / 1
GB628.68.P7 C58 1967 Review of Polish Pleistocene and Holocene forms containing peat bogs = Przegla̜d form plejstoceńskich i holoceńskich zwia̜zanych z torfowiskami / 1
GB628.81.I72 Southern Iraq's marshes their environment and conservation / 1
GB631 Dunes : dynamics, morphology, history / 3
GB631 .D8 1983 Dunes, continental and coastal / 1
GB631 .P9 1990 Aeolian sand and sand dunes / 1
GB631 .P9 2009 Aeolian sand and sand dunes / 1
GB632 .B36 1989 Sand dunes / 2
GB632 .C63 1990 Coastal dunes : form and process / 1
GB632 .L36 1995 Geomorphology of desert dunes / 1
GB632 .L36 1995eb Geomorphology of desert dunes 1
GB632 .L36 2023 Geomorphology of desert dunes / 1
GB632 .M27 1995 Aeolian and adhesion morphodynamics and phytoecology in Recent coastal and inland sand and snow flats and dunes from mainly North Sea and Baltic Sea to Mars and Venus / 1
GB633 Inland dunes of North America 1
GB635.C3 C65 Coastal dunes of California / 1
GB635.C6 M4 Dune form and structure ar Great Sand Dunes National Monument / 1
GB635.I6 C7 The Indiana sand dunes and shore lines of the Lake Michigan basin.
The Indiana sand dunes and shore lines of the Lake Michigan basin /
GB635.O7 F834 1918 Die Kriegsgewinne der verschiedenen Wirtschaftszweige in dem einzelnen Staaten an Hand statistischer Daten dargestellt . 1
GB636.P2 C6 Coastal sand dunes of Oregon and Washington. 1