Call Number (LC) Title Results
GB656.2.H9 A38 2010eb Advances in data-based approaches for hydrologic modeling and forecasting / 1
GB656.2.H9 A735 2002 Arc hydro : GIS for water resources / 1
GB656.2.H9 .C55 2013 Climate and land surface changes in hydrology / 1
GB656.2.H9 GB656.2.H9H925 2008 Hydrological Modelling in Arid and Semi-Arid Areas. 1
GB656.2.H9 G76 2010 Groundwater modelling in arid and semi-arid areas / 1
GB656.2 .H9 G76 2010 Groundwater Modelling in Arid and Semi-Arid Areas. 1
GB656.2.H9 H35 1991 Ecometric and dynamic modelling : exemplified by caesium in lakes after Chernobyl ; Methodological aspects of establishing representative and compatible lake data, models and load diagrammes / 1
GB656.2.H9 H925 2008 Hydrological modelling in arid and semi-arid areas / 1
GB656.2.H9 H925 2008eb Hydrological modelling in arid and semi-arid areas / 1
GB656.2.H9 H93 1999  
GB656.2.H9 H93 2008eb Hydrological modelling and the water cycle coupling the atmospheric and hydrological models / 1
GB656.2.H9 H93 2022 Hydrological modeling : hydraulics, water resources and coastal engineering / 1
GB656.2.H9 L37 2006 Large sample basin experiments for hydrological model parameterization : results of the model parameter experiment--MOPEX / 1
GB656.2.H9 L53 2002eb Modelos matemáticos de sistemas acuáticos dinámicos 1
GB656.2.H9 M33 2003 Modeling hydrologic change statistical methods / 1
GB656.2.H9 M63 2011 Modelling of hydrological processes in the Narew Catchment 1
GB656.2.H9 M85 2012eb Floods in a changing climate. 2
GB656.2.H9 N38 1998 Hydrological models for environmental management / 1
GB656.2.H9 N48 2004eb Neural networks for hydrological modelling / 1
GB656.2.H9 S3 1995 Scale issues in hydrological modelling / 1