Call Number (LC) Title Results
GC1081 .I57 1980 Impacts of radionuclide releases into the marine environment : proceedings of an International Symposium on the Impacts of Radionuclide Releases into the Marine Environment / 1
GC1081 I57eb Radionuclides in the environment International Conference on Isotopes in Environmental Studies : Aquatic Forum 2004, 25-29 October, Monaco / 1
GC1081 .I65 1954r Conference of Contracting Governments to the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution of the Sea by Oil, 1954 : final act of the conference with annex, London, 11 April 1962. Conférence des gouvernements parties à la convention internationale pour la prévention de la pollution des eaux de la mer par les hydrocarbures de 1954; acte final de la conférence suivi de son annexe. 1
GC1081 .M33 1989 Marine pollution : a 1988 perspective : proceedings of a symposium on marine pollution held at the Muizenberg Pavilion under the auspices of the Dept. of Water Affairs ... [et al.] 1
GC1081 .M36 1997 Marine debris : sources, impacts, and solutions / 1
GC1081 .R57 1979 River inputs to ocean systems : proceedings of a Review Workshop held at FAO headquarters, Rome, Italy from 26 to 30 March 1979, with the collaboration of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization and the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, with the support of the United Nations Environment Programme. 1
GC1081 .T47 1992 Needs and solutions for pollution monitoring, control, and abatement : proceedings of the First Thematic Conference on Remote Sensing for Marine and Coastal Environments, 15-17 June 1992, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA / 1
GC1081 .W68 1981 Workshop on the Analysis of Hydrocarbons in Seawater, Institut für Meereskunde an der Universität Kiel, Department of Marine Chemistry, March 23-April 3, 1981. 1
GC1085 Modern treatment strategies for marine pollution
Ecological quality status of marine environment : metal-sulfide models; significance, mobility, mechanisms and impacts /
Remote detection and maritime pollution chemical spill studies /
Pollutant transfer and transport in the sea.
Emerging pollutants and their effects on marine ecosystems
Coastal and deep ocean pollution /
Charts of prohibited zones = Cartes des zones d'interdiction : International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution of the Sea by Oil = Convention internationale pour la prévention de la pollution des eaux de la mer par les hydrocarbures.
ACOPS yearbook 1986-87
Marine pollution : sources, fate and effects of pollutants in coastal ecosystems /
Marine pollution : what everyone needs to know /
Petroleum spills in the marine environment : the chemistry and formation of water-in-oil emulsions and tar balls /
Les marées vertes : 40 Clés pour comprendre.
Marine pollution /
Consequences of Maritime Critical Infrastructure Accidents Environmental Impacts /
GC1085 .A73 1986 VIDEO Are you swimming in a sewer? 1
GC1085 .C45 2000 Overview on land-based sources and activities affecting the marine environment in the East Asian Seas / 1
GC1085 .C475 2011eb Chemical marine monitoring : policy framework and analytical trends / 1
GC1085 .C5 1986 Marine pollution / 1
GC1085 .C5 1989 Marine pollution / 1
GC1085 .C5 1992 Marine pollution / 1
GC1085 .C5 1997 Marine pollution / 1
GC1085 .C5 2001 Marine pollution / 1
GC1085 .C652 1999 The European Community action against accidental pollution at sea. 1
GC1085 .C66 2023 Contaminants of emerging concern in the marine environment : current challenges in marine pollution / 1
GC1085 .D34 2005eb Analysis, fate and toxicity of zinc- and copper pyrithione in the marine environment / 1