Call Number (LC) Title Results
GC1351 .G81 2004 Guidelines on environmental inspection systems for the Mediterranean region = Lignes directrices sur les systemes d'inspection environnementale pour la region Mediterraneenne. 1
GC1351 .G82 2004 Guidelines for the application of best available techniques (BATs), best environmental practices (BEPs) and cleaner technologies (CTs) in industries of the Mediterranean Region. 1
GC1351 .G84 2004 Guidelines for the management of industrial wastewater for the Mediterranean region = Lignes directrices pour la gestion des eaux usees industrielles dans la region Mediterraneenne. 1
GC1351 .G86 2004 Guidelines for the development of ecological status and stress reduction indicators for the Mediterranean region = Lignes directrices pour l'elaboration d'indicateurs d'etat ecologique et de reduction du stress dans la region Mediterraneenne. 1
GC1351 .G87 2004 Guidelines for river (including estuaries) pollution monitoring programme for the Mediterranean region = Lignes directrices pour un programme de surveillance continue de la pollution fluviale (Estuarienne y comprise) dans la region Mediterraneenne. 1
GC1351 .G88 2004 Guidelines on sewage treatment and disposal for the Mediterranean region = Lignes directrices sur le traitement et l'elimination des eaux usees dans la region Mediterraneenne. 1
GC1351 .G89 2004 Guidelines on management of coastal litter for the Mediterranean Region = Lignes directrices sur la gestion des détritus côtiers pour la région Méditerranéenne. 1
GC1351 .I58 2004 Inventories of PCBs and nine pesticides. 1
GC1351 .I58 2022 Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Microplastic Pollution in the Mediterranean Sea / 1
GC1351 .M43 2005eb The Mediterranean Sea 1
GC1351.M435 P53 2004 Plan for the management of PCBs waste and nine pesticides for the Mediterranean region = Plan de gestion de dechets de PCB et des neuf pesticides pour la region Mediterraneenne. 1
GC1351.M435 P54 2004 Plan for the management of hazardous waste including inventory of hazardous waste in the Mediterranean region. 1
GC1351.M435 P55 2004 Plan on reduction of input of BOD by 50% by 2010 from industrial sources for the Mediterranean region. 1
GC1351 .M86 2004 Municipal wastewater treatment plants in Mediterranean coastal cities (II) = Stations d'épuration des eaux usées municipales dans les villes côtières de la Méditerranée (II) / 1
GC1351 .P54 2004 Plan for the management of hazardous waste including inventory of hazardous waste in the Mediterranean region. 1
GC1351 .R44 2004 Reference handbook on environmental compliance and enforcement in the Mediterranean region. 1
GC1351 .S46 1992 Semi-enclosed seas : exchange of environmental experiences between Mediterranean and Caribbean countries / 1
GC1351 .S46 1992eb Semi-enclosed seas : exchange of environmental experiences between Mediterranean and Caribbean countries /
Semi-enclosed seas exchange of environmental experiences between Mediterranean and Caribbean countries /
GC1381 .B435 1998 Black Sea pollution assessment / 1
GC1381 .B53 2007eb The Black Sea environment
The Black Sea environment /