Call Number (LC) Title Results
GC771 .I54 1981 International cooperation in marine science and technology in the Pacific region : proceedings of the 6th International Ocean Symposium, November 5-6, 1981, The Japan Shipping Club, Tokyo, Japan. 2
GC771 .M43 Anatomy of an expedition / 1
GC771 .M813 The principal hydrological features of the Pacific Ocean = (Osnovnye cherty gidrologii Tikhogo okeana) / 1
GC771 .N86 1999 Environmental change in the Pacific Basin : chronologies, causes, consequences / 1
GC771 .P32 2009 The Pacific and Arctic oceans : new oceanographic research / 1
GC771 .P33 1988 Oceanic and anthropogenic controls of life in the Pacific Ocean : proceedings of the 2nd Pacific Symposium on Marine Sciences, Nakhodka, Russia, August 11-19, 1988 / 1
GC771 .P33 1988eb Oceanic and anthropogenic controls of life in the Pacific Ocean : proceedings of the 2nd Pacific Symposium on Marine Sciences, Nakhodka, Russia, August 11-19, 1988 / 1
GC771 .R4 Records of oceanographic works in Japan 1
GC771 .R43 Intermediate waters of the Pacific Ocean / 1
GC771 .S3 Records of observations, Scripps Institution of Oceanography. 1
GC771 .T75 Upper waters of the intertropical Pacific Ocean. 1
GC771 .W54 1850 Hydrography / 1
GC771 .Y34 Yachting world annual. 1
GC781 .F56 2005eb Final comments on the science plan for the North Pacific Research Board / 1
GC781 .N38 2004 Elements of a science plan for the North Pacific Research Board / 1
GC781 .N38 2004eb Elements of a science plan for the North Pacific Research Board / 1
GC781 .N67 Internet North Pacific Ocean theme page 1
GC781 .R44 Northwest Pacific Ocean waters in winter / 1
GC791 .O24 1991 Oceanography of Asian marginal seas / 1
GC791 .O24 1991eb Oceanography of Asian marginal seas 1