Call Number (LC) Title Results
GE190.D44 H37 1992 Environmental problems in Third World cities / 1
GE190.D44 .H37 2001 Environmental problems in an urbanizing world : finding solutions for cities in Africa, Asia, and Latin America / 1
GE190.D44 H37 2001 Environmental problems in an urbanizing world : finding solutions for cities in Africa, Asia, and Latin America / 1
GE190.D44 T69 1994  
GE190.D44 T69 1994eb Toward environmental strategies for cities : policy considerations for urban environmental management in Developing countries / 1
GE190.D44 X54 1996 Environmental policy analysis : a general equilibrium approach / 1
GE190 D45 2011eb  
GE190.E18 C66 2005 Confronting environmental change in East and Southeast Asia : eco-politics, foreign policy and sustainable development / 1
GE190.E18 E17 2003 East Asian experience in environmental governance: response in a rapidly developing region / 1
GE190.E18 E17 2003eb East Asian experience in environmental governance: response in a rapidly developing region / 1
GE190.E18 E37 2003 East Asian experience in environmental governance: response in a rapidly developing region / 1
GE190.E18 G74 2020 Greening East Asia : the rise of the eco-developmental state / 1
GE190.E2 E55 2019 Who speaks for nature? : indigenous movements, public opinion, and the petro-state in Ecuador / 1
GE190.E2 ebook El mandato ecológico : derechos de la naturaleza y políticas ambientales en la nueva Constitución /
Historia de la conservación ambiental en el Ecuador : volcanes, tortugas, geólogos y políticos /
GE190 .E58 2018 Environmental politics in the Middle East : local struggles, global connections / 1
GE190.E8 K43 2017eb Environment and society in Ethiopia / 1
GE190.E85 The Environment and the European Public Sphere Perceptions, Actors, Policies /
Connected lands : new perspectives on ecological networks planning /
The climate crisis, democracy and governance transition in ten steps: action points for governments /
Europeanization of environmental policies and their limitations capacity building /
Greening Europe : 2022 European public investment outlook /
The European Union and Global Environmental Protection : Transforming Influence into Action /
European autonomy in space /
Climate agendas and instability : green recovery programs and policy change in the EU and US /
Delivering a climate neutral Europe /
EU climate policy explained /
The ocean of tomorrow.
Participation for effective environmental governance : evidence from European water framework directive implementation /
GE190.E85 A37 2005 Agriculture and environment in EU-15 : the IRENA indicator report / 1
GE190.E85 A53 1994 Governance by green taxes : making pollution prevention pay / 2
GE190.E85 B34 2016 The politics of means and ends policy instruments in the European Union / 1