Call Number (LC) Title Results
GE190.E85 B35 2017 New environmental policy instruments in the European Union : politics, economics, and the implementation of the packaging waste directive / 1
GE190.E85 B35 2023 Explaining transformative change in ASEAN and EU climate policy : multilevel problems, policies, and politics / 1
GE190.E85 B37 1999 Environmental policy in the European Union / 2
GE190.E85 B73 2016 Europeanization of environmental policy in the new Europe beyond conditionality / 1
GE190.E85 B75 1998 British environmental policy and Europe : politics and policy in transition / 1
GE190.E85 B75 1998eb British environmental policy and Europe politics and policy in transition / 1
GE190.E85 B769 2017 EU Environmental Policies in Subnational Regions : the Case of Scotland and Bavaria. 1
GE190.E85 B87 2001 The greening of the European Union? : examining the EU's environmental credentials / 2
GE190.E85 C37 Caring for our future : action for Europe's environment. 1
GE190.E85 .C46 2002 Choices for a greener future : the European Union and the environment / 1
GE190.E85 C46 2008 Choice experiments informing environmental policy : a European perspective / 1
GE190.E85 C55 1998 Climate change, transport, and environmental policy : empirical applications in a federal system / 1
GE190.E85 C66 1994 Conserving Europe's natural heritage : towards a European ecological network : proceedings of the international conference held in Maastricht, 9-12 November 1993 /
Conserving Europe's natural heritage : towards a European ecological network /
GE190.E85 C68 1999 Convention on access to information, public participation in decision-making and access to justice in environmental matters = Convention sur l'accès à l'information, la participation du public au processus décisionnel et l'accès à la justice en matière d'environnement = Konven︠t︡si︠i︡a o dostupe k informa︠t︡sii, uchastii obshchestvennosti v pro︠t︡sesse prin︠i︡ati︠i︡a resheniĭ i dostupe k pravosudi︠i︡u po voprosam, kasa︠i︡ushchims︠i︡a okruzha︠i︡ushcheĭ sredy / 1
GE190.E85 D449 2016 Environmental policy and politics in the European Union / 1
GE190.E85 D46 2001 Democracy at work : a comparative sociology of environmental regulation in the United Kingdom, France, Germany, and the United States / 1
GE190.E85 E36 2003 Eionet connects / 1
GE190.E85 E52 2000 Empirical studies of environmental policies in Europe / 1
GE190.E85 E525 2002 Energy and environment in the European Union / 1
GE190.E85 E535 2002 Energy and environment in the European Union : executive summary / 1