Call Number (LC) Title Results
GE60 .F36 2002eb Opportunities in environmental careers / 1
GE60 .F365 2002eb Careers for environmental types & others who respect the Earth / 1
GE60 .F37 2007 Careers in the environment / 3
GE60 .H47 2012eb Good green jobs in a global economy making and keeping new industries in the United States /
Good green jobs in a global economy : making and keeping new industries in the United States /
GE60 .R53 1994 Hiring/getting hired in the environmental field / 1
GE60 .S4713 1995 The natural contract / 1
GE60 .S48 1993 The new complete guide to environmental careers / 1
GE70 Gender and environmental education : feminist and other(ed) perspectives : the selected works of Annette Gough /
Proceedings of the International Conference on Environmental Learning Educational Technologies (ICELET 2023)
Conceptualizing environmental citizenship for 21st century education
Alfabetización ecológica en educación primaria /
Teaching sustainability, teaching sustainably /
Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung - Impulse zu Digitalisierung, Inklusion und Klimaschutz
Curriculum, environment, and the work of C.A. Bowers : ecological and cultural perspectives /
Ethical literacies and education for sustainable development : young people, subjectivity and democratic participation /
Proceedings of the 2nd International Interdisciplinary Conference on Environmental Sciences and Sustainable Developments Education and Green Economy (IICESSD-EGE 2022)
Teacher education for sustainable development and global citizenship : critical perspectives on values, curriculum and assessment /
Perspectiva de Los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible en la Formación Docente y la Investigación Universitaria
Socially-critical environmental education in primary classrooms : the dance of structure and agency /
Recent advances in environmental science from the Euro-Mediterranean and surrounding regions (3rd Edition) : proceedings of 3rd Euro-Mediterranean Conference for Environmental Integration (EMCEI-3), Tunisia 2021 /
Restorying environmental education : figurations, fictions, and feral subjectivities /
A practical guide to leading green schools : partnering with nature to create vibrant, flourishing, sustainable schools /
The sustainability curriculum : the challenge for higher education /
Land and water education and the allodial principle : rethinking ecological education in the postcolonial age /
Ecoliterate : how educators are cultivating emotional, social, and ecological intelligence /
WORLD REVIEW environmental and sustainability education in the context of the Sustainable Development Goals.
Science by the people : participation, power, and the politics of environmental knowledge /
Recent advances in environmental science from the Euro-Mediterranean and surrounding regions : proceedings of Euro-Mediterranean Conference for Environmental Integration (EMCEI-1), Tunisia 2017.
Curriculum and Learning for Climate Action : Toward an SDG 4.7 Roadmap for Systems Change /
Recent advances in environmental science from the Euro-Mediterranean and surrounding regions (2nd edition) : proceedings of 2nd Euro-Mediterranean Conference for Environmental Integration (EMCEI-2), Tunisia 2019 /
Pedagogy in the Anthropocene : re-wilding education for a new earth /
Environmental education and training /
The living environmental education : sound science toward a cleaner, safer, and healthier future /
Ecopedagogies practical approaches to experiential learning /
Interdisciplinary teaching about earth and the environment for a sustainable future /
Environmental and sustainability education in teacher education Canadian perspectives /
Critical skills for environmental professionals : putting knowledge into practice /
Environmental education research.
Education for sustainable development in foreign language learning : content-based instruction in college-level curricula /
Post-sustainability and environmental education : remaking education for the future /
International perspectives on the theory and practice of environmental education : a reader /
Recent Advances in Environmental Science from the Euro-Mediterranean and Surrounding Regions (4th Edition) : proceedings of 4th Euro-Mediterranean Conference for Environmental Integration (EMCEI-4), Tunisia 2022 /
Environmental awareness in preschool children's drawings : a global perspective /
Towards interoperable research infrastructures for environmental and earth sciences a reference model guided approach for common challenges /
Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung -- Impulse zu Digitalisierung, Inklusion und Klimaschutz /
Currículum, didáctica y los objetivos de desarrollo sostenible (ODS) : reflexiones, experiencias y miradas /
Danilo Dolci environmental education and empowerment /
Towards a political education through environmental issues.
Enhancing environmental education through nature-based solutions
Encountering education through existential challenges and community : re-connection and renewal for an ecologically based future /
Transformative Sustainability Education Reimagining Our Future.
PRACTISING IMMANENCE living with theory in environmental education.
(Re)storying human/Earth relationships in environmental education : becoming (partially) posthumanist /
Companion to Environmental Studies /
Envisioning environmental literacy action and outreach /
GE70 .A37 2017 Restorying Environmental Education : Figurations, Fictions, and Feral Subjectivities / 1
GE70 .A38 2023 Advances in environmental research. 1
GE70 .A43 1997 Environmental education / 1
GE70 .A44 2023 Universities on fire : higher education in the climate crisis / 2
GE70 .A456 (All of us) 1
GE70 .A73 2012eb Environmental studies a practitioner's approach / 1
GE70 .A78 2021 Arts, sustainability and education : ENO Yearbook 2 / 1
GE70 .B35 2017 Writing in the environmental sciences : a seven-step guide / 2
GE70 .B37 2021 Empowering teachers through environmental and sustainability education : meaningful change in educational settings / 1
GE70 .B375 2014 Implementing Sustainability in Higher Education Learning in an age of transformation. 1
GE70 .B677 1997 The culture of denial : why the environmental movement needs a strategy for reforming universities and public schools / 1
GE70 .B68 1995 Educating for an ecologically sustainable culture : rethinking moral education, creativity, intelligence, and other modern orthodoxies / 2