Call Number (LC) Title Results
GN280.7 .L5 2000 How we got to be human : subjective minds with objective bodies / 1
GN280.7 .M37 2002 What it means to be 98% chimpanzee : apes, people, and their genes / 2
GN280.7 .M37 2002eb What it means to be 98% chimpanzee : apes, people, and their genes / 1
GN280.7 .M85 2022eb Multispecies storytelling in intermedial practices / 1
GN280.7 .N48 2017 The animal and the human in ancient and modern thought the "man alone of animals" concept / 1
GN280.7 .N67 1989 Humans and other animals : beyond the boundaries of anthropology / 1
GN280.7 .W43 1988 What is an animal? / 1
GN281 Science of human origins /
The Emergence of modern humans : an archaeological perspective /
The rise and fall of the third chimpanzee /
A companion to paleoanthropology /
Down from the trees : man's amazing transition from tree-dwelling ape ancestors /
"Ich Tarzan." : Affenmenschen und Menschenaffen zwischen Science und Fiction /
The taming of evolution : the persistence of nonevolutionary views in the study of humans /
Neanderthals in the classroom /
Up from Eden : a transpersonal view of human evolution /
The primate origins of human nature /
Homo Mysterious : Evolutionary Puzzles of Human Nature.
Crossing the human threshold : dynamic transformation and persistent places during the Middle Pleistocene /
Human paleontology and prehistory : contributions in honor of Yoel Rak /
Classification and Human Evolution.
Ancestral DNA, human origins, and migrations /
El legado de Darwin : qué significa la evolución hoy /
Future humans : inside the science of our continuing evolution /
BIOLOGICAL ANTHROPOLOGY AND PREHISTORY : exploring our human ancestry.
Reflections of our past : how human history is revealed in our genes /
Homo sapiens : from man to demigod /
Human evolution : an introduction for the behavioural sciences /
What we are : the evolutionary roots of our future /
Learning strategies and cultural evolution during the Palaeolithic /
Culture and the course of human evolution /
Basics in human evolution /
The hypothetical species : variables of human evolution /
Climate, fire and human evolution : the deep time dimensions of the anthropocene /
Rethinking human evolution /
Unknown Boundaries : Exploring Human Evolutionary Studies /
The last natural man : where have we been and where are we going? /
The arc of life : evolution and health across the life course /
Processes in human evolution : the journey from early hominins to neandertals and modern humans /
Encyclopedia of human evolution and prehistory.
Paleoanthropology of the Balkans and Anatolia : human evolution and its context /
You matter : the human solution /
Global brain singularity universal history, future evolution and humanity's dialectical horizon /
Humans in the Making In the Beginning Was Technique.
Developmental approaches to human evolution /
Henry Fairfield Osborn : Race and the Search for the Origins of Man /
GN281 .A27 1971 Adam, or ape : a sourcebook of discoveries about early man / 1
GN281 .A3 1999 African biogeography, climate change & human evolution / 1
GN281 .A33 2010 Humanity's end : why we should reject radical enhancement / 1
GN281 .A33 2010eb Humanity's end why we should reject radical enhancement /
Humanity's end : why we should reject radical enhancement /
GN281 .A34 2002eb An introduction to human evolutionary anatomy 1
GN281 .A36 2020 The major metaphors of evolution : Darwinism then and now / 1
GN281 .A44 1973 Evolution and human behavior : an introduction to Darwinian anthropology. 1
GN281 .A54 2015 An ape's view of human evolution /
An Ape's View of Human Evolution /
GN281 .A55 1989 Human evolution : an illustrated guide / 1
GN281 .A6313 1993 The extraordinary story of human origins / 3
GN281 .A84 1981 Aspects of human evolution / 1
GN281 .A85 2010eb Asian paleoanthropology from Africa to China and beyond / 1