Call Number (LC) Title Results
GN296 .E88 2017 Health, culture and society : conceptual legacies and contemporary applications / 1
GN296 .F73 1997 Embodied progress : a cultural account of assisted conception / 1
GN296 .F73 2022 Embodied progress : a cultural account of assisted conception / 1
GN296-GN296.5 Remembering the Body : Ethical Issues in Body Mapping Research /
Raising the Dust : Tracking Traditional Medicine in the South of Malawi /
GN296 .G66 1994 Medicine, rationality, and experience : an anthropological perspective / 1
GN296 .G66 1994eb Medicine, rationality, and experience : an anthropological perspective / 1
GN296 .H35 1995 Sickness and healing : an anthropological perspective / 1
GN296 .H42 Health and the human condition : perspectives on medical anthropology / 2
GN296 .H42 1978 Health and the human condition : perspectives on medical anthropology / 1
GN296 .H45 1990 Culture, health, and illness an introduction for health professionals /
Culture, health and illness : an introduction for health professionals /
GN296 .H45 1994 Culture, health, and illness : an introduction for health professionals / 1
GN296 .H45 2000 Culture, health, and illness / 1
GN296 .H86 2003 Human biologists in the archives : demography, health, nutrition, and genetics in historical populations / 1
GN296 .H86 2003eb Human biologists in the archives : demography, health, nutrition, and genetics in historical populations / 2
GN296 .J36 2002 The social fabric of health : an introduction to medical anthropology / 1
GN296 .J65 1999 Exploring medical anthropology / 1
GN296 .J65 2006 Exploring medical anthropology / 1
GN296 .J65 2010eb Exploring medical anthropology / 1
GN296 .J673 2017 Exploring medical anthropology / 1
GN296 .K35 1996 Claves antropológicas de la salud : el conocimiento en una realidad intercultural / 1