Call Number (LC) Title Results
GN476.73 .N65 2007 Wild harvest in the heartland : ethnobotany in Missouri's Little Dixie / 1
GN476.73 .P46 2010 Uses and abuses of plant-derived smoke : it's ethnobotany as hallucinogen, perfume, incense, and medicine / 1
GN476.73 .P46 2010eb Uses and abuses of plant-derived smoke its ethnobotany as hallucinogen, perfume, incense, and medicine / 1
GN476.73 .P53 2020 Plants, people, and places : the roles of ethnobotany and ethnoecology in indigenous peoples' land rights in Canada and beyond / 2
GN476.73 .P55 2016 Ethnobotany of the Coos, Lower Umpqua, and Siuslaw Indians / 1
GN476.73 .P6 2010 Plants, health and healing : on the interface of ethnobotany and medical anthropology / 1
GN476.73 P855 2017 Ethnobotany of India, Volume 3 : North-East India and the Andaman and Nicobar Islands / 1
GN476.73 .S453 1996 Selected guidelines for ethnobotanical research : a field manual / 1
GN476.73 .V64 2018eb The ethnobotany of Eden : rethinking the jungle medicine narrative / 1
GN476.73 .V64 2019 The ethnobotany of Eden : rethinking the jungle medicine narrative / 1
GN476.73 ebook Plantas y sabiduría popular del Parque Natural de Montesinho un estudio etnobotánico en Portugal / 1
GN476.76 .F67 2016eb Why the Porcupine is Not a Bird : Explorations in the Folk Zoology of an Eastern Indonesian People / 1
GN476.76 .H36 2017eb Ethnography after humanism power, politics and method in multi-species research / 1
GN476.77 .E84 2010 Ethno-ornithology : birds, indigenous peoples, culture and society / 1
GN476.77 .E84 2010eb Ethno-ornithology : birds, indigenous peoples, culture and society /
Ethno-ornithology : birds, Indigenous peoples, culture and society /
GN476.78 .I57 2003 Les "insectes" dans la tradition orale = "Insects" in oral literature and traditions / 1
GN476.78 .P67 2004 Indigenous knowledge and ethics : a Darrell Posey reader / 1
GN477 Remedios : the Healing Life of Eva Castellanoz.
Researching on indigenous knowledge : community-based participatory case study on intergenerational transmission of traditional medicinal plant knowledge traditional medicinal plant knowledge /
La promesa de la curacion en la medicina tradicional y alternativa
Aprendiendo de la naturaleza Kwesx Fi'zenxis Uyna.
GN477 .B25 1988 Folk illness and ethnomedicine / 1
GN477 .B55 2013 The body in balance : humoral medicines in practice / 1