Call Number (LC) Title Results
GN480 .B32 2013 Three Styles in the Study of Kinship. 1
GN480 .B37 2004eb Three styles in the study of kinship / 1
GN480 .B6 Marriage, family, and residence / 1
GN480 .B67 1998 Powerful relations : kinship, status, & the state in Sung China (960-1279) / 1
GN480 .B76 1994 Marriage, family, and relationships : a cross-cultural encyclopedia / 2
GN480 .B83 Kinship and social organization : an introduction to theory and method / 1
GN480 .C34 2019 The Cambridge handbook of kinship / 2
GN480 .C53 The character of kinship / 1
GN480 .C53 1974 The Character of Kinship / 1
GN480 .C667 2014eb Consanguinity - Its Impact, Consequences and Management
Consanguinity - Its Impact, Consequences and Management.
GN480 .C73 2018 The mystic rose : a study of primative marriage and of primitive thought in its bearing on marriage / 1
GN480 .C8 1927 The mystic rose : a study of primitive marriage and of primitive thought in its bearing on marriage / 1
GN480 .C8 1927i The mystic rose a study of primitive marriage and of primitive thought in its bearing on marriage / 1
GN480 .C8 1960 The mystic rose : a study of primitive marriage and of primitive thought in its bearing on marriage / 1
GN480 .D843 1963 Incest : the nature and origin of the taboo / 1
GN480 .E46 1984 Emotionen und materielle Interessen : sozialanthropologische und historische Beiträge zur Familienforschung / 1
GN480 .E78 Kinship and marriage among the Nuer. 1
GN480 .E78 1990 Kinship and marriage among the Nuer / 1
GN480 .E8 Some aspects of marriage and the family among the Nuer / 1
GN480 .E83 1974 A holocultural study of societal organization and mode of marriage : a general evolutionary model / 1