Call Number (LC) Title Results
GN585.I7 C47 1993 Early Irish and Welsh kinship / 1
GN585.I7 T47 1999 Net curtains and closed doors : intimacy, family, and public life in Dublin / 1
GN585.I8 G34 1991 Far from the church bells : settlement and society in an Apulian town / 1
GN 585.I8 .G34 1991 Far from the church bells : settlement and society in an Apulian town / 1
GN585.I8 G34 1991eb Far from the church bells : settlement and society in an Apulian town / 1
GN585.I8 G35 1992 Town and country in Locorotondo / 1
GN585.I8 P8 1927 Italia, genti e favelle : disegno antropologico-linguistico / 1
GN585.I8 R66 1991 One hundred towers : an Italian odyssey of cultural survival / 1
GN585.L2 Changing Lapps : a study in culture relations in northernmost Norway / 1
GN585.L5 W5 Litwa etnograficzna : przyroda, jako podstawa gospodarcza, rozwój stosunków narodowościowych. 1
GN585 .M3 B65 2012 Factions, Friends and Feasts : Anthropological Perspectives on the Mediterranean. 1
GN585.P6 N3 Cmentarzysko z XI wieku w Lutomiersku pod Łodzįa. 1
GN585.P63 M44 Raça e nacionalidade / 1
GN585.R6 I4 1988 Ethnic continuity in the Carpatho-Danubian area / 1
GN585.R7 I45 1992 Ethnic continuity in the Carpatho-Danubian area / 1
GN585.R7 M3 Étude ethnographique sur la population de la Roumanie. : Ethnographical survey of the population of Romania. 1
GN585.R7 U43 2023 Living with distrust : morality and cooperation in a Romanian village / 1
GN585.R8 D43 Forty years of Soviet anthropology : (Sorok let sovetskoi antropologii) / 1
GN585.R9 The 1926/27 Soviet polar census expeditions / 1
GN585.R9 M85 2011eb Multiple moralities and religions in post-Soviet Russia / 1