Call Number (LC) Title Results
GN645 .O6 Origins of African plant domestication / 1
GN645 .O734 2007 Ordering Africa : anthropology, European imperialism and the politics of knowledge / 1
GN645 .O75 Cultures and societies of Africa / 1
GN645 .P185 2013eb Land, mobility, and belonging in West Africa /
Pastoralism in Africa : past, present, and futures /
GN645 .P3 Peoples of Africa / 2
GN645 .P37 1990 Personhood and agency : the experience of self and other in African cultures / 1
GN645 .P37 2018 Pastoralism in Tropical Africa : studies presented and discussed at the XIIIth International African Seminar, Niamey, December 1972 / 1
GN645 .P38 2021 Pathways to alternative epistemologies in Africa / 2
GN645 .P47 1997 Perspectives on Africa : a reader in culture, history, and representation / 1
GN645 .P66 1998 The politics of age and gerontocracy in Africa : ethnographies of the past & memories of the present / 2
GN645 .P67 2011eb The postcolonial turn : [re-imagining anthropology and Africa] / 1
GN645 .P74 Présence africaine. 1
GN645 .P75 Les sociétés africaines leur origne, leur évolution, leur avenir. 1
GN645 .P76 1986 The professionalisation of African medicine / 1
GN645 .R335 2015 Racism, ethnicity and the media in Africa : mediating conflict in the twenty-first century / 1
GN645 .R47 1999 Representations of blackness and the performance of identities / 1
GN645 .R49 2000 Rethinking pastoralism in Africa : gender, culture & the myth of the patriarchal pastoralist / 1
GN645 .R67 2007  
GN645 .S28 The Africans : an ethnological account / 1
GN645 .S39 1976 Masks of Black Africa / 1