GN652.B25 S35
Die Bambuti-pygmäen vom Ituri : ergebnisse zweier forschungsreisen zu den zentralafrikanischen pygmäen ... / |
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GN652.B4 R5
Land, labour and diet in Northern Rhodesia : an economic study of the Bemba tribe / |
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GN652.C5 B45 2021
Un jésuite anthropologue au lac Iro, Tchad : l'anthropologie visuelle de Claude Pairault à Boum Kabir / |
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GN652.C5 C65 1986
Relations interethniques et culture matérielle dans le bassin du lac Tchad : actes du IIIème Colloque MEGA-TCHAD, Paris, ORSTOM, 11-12 septembre 1986 / |
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GN652.D6 C3
Ethnologie et langage : la parole chez les Dogon / |
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GN652.D6 D5
Les âmes des Dogons / |
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GN652.D6 P3 1988
Organisation sociale des Dogon / |
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GN652.D6 P37 2023
Die Weissen denken zuviel : psychoanalytische Untersuchungen bei den Dogon in Westafrika / |
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The pastoral Fulbe family in Gwandu / |
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GN652.F9 H66
The pastoral Fulbe family in Gwandu. |
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GN652.F9 S8 1959
Savannah nomads : a study of the Wodaabe pastoral Fulani of Western Bornu Province, Northern Region, Nigeria / |
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GN652.F9 S8 1994
Savannah nomads : a study of the Wodaabe pastoral Fulani of Western Bornu Province Northern Region, Nigeria / |
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GN652.M25 A4713 1998
Mestizo logics : anthropology of identity in Africa and elsewhere / |
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GN652.M25 M35 1998
The peoples of the Middle Niger : the island of gold / |
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GN652.N54 B7 1960
Nomades du soleil. |
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GN652.S8 B39
The Suk their language and folklore, |
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A tribal survey of Mongalla Province / |
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GN652.S93 B37 1967
Human resources : social and cultural features of the Jebel Marra project area / |
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GN652.S93 B73 1992
Nomads in the archaeological record : case studies in the northern provinces of the Sudan / |
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GN652.S93 H27 1983
Old-timers and new-comers : politics and ethnicity in a Sudanese community. |
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