Call Number (LC) Title Results
GN671.N5 W67 1996 Work in progress : essays in New Guinea highlands ethnography in honour of Paula Brown Glick / 1
GN671.N5 Y68 1998 Malinowski's Kiriwina : fieldwork photography, 1915-1918 / 1
GN671.N6 Malekula OO12. 1
GN671.N6 H8 The southern New Hebrides : an ethnological record / 1
GN671.N6 J65 1994 Women of the place : kastom, colonialism, and gender in Vanuatu / 1
GN671.N6 J65 2014 Women of the Place Kastom, Colonialism and Gender in Vanuatu. 1
GN671.N6 L39 1994 Collected curios : missionary tales from the South Seas / 1
GN671.N6 R52 John Frum he come : a polemical work about a Black tragedy.
John Frum he come; a polemical work about a Black tragedy.
GN671.N6 R66 2007 The power of perspective : social ontology and agency on Ambrym Island, Vanuatu / 1
GN671.N6 S6413 1996 Ethnology of Vanuatu : an early twentieth century study / 1
GN671.N6 .T58 1931 Chez les mangeurs d'hommes : (Nouvelles-Hébrides) / 1
GN671.N6 V35 Vanuatu : politics, economics and ritual in island Melanesia / 1
GN671N6 V35 Vanuatu : politics, economics and ritual in island Melanesia / 1
GN671.N6 V35713 1996 Arts of Vanuatu / 2
GN671.P5 B3 1949 The Kalingas : their institutions and custom law / 1
GN671.P5 B4 The racial anatomy of the Philippine Islanders : introducing new methods of anthropology and showing their application to the Filipinos with a classification of human ears and a scheme for the heredity of anatomical characters in man / 1
GN671.P5 C63 2009 Verbal arts in Philippine indigenous communities : poetics, society, and history / 1
GN671.P5 D86 1992 Visayan vignettes : ethnographic traces of a Philippine island / 1
GN671.P5 G5 2008 Ginhawa, kapalaran, dalamhati = Essays on well-being, opportunity/destiny, and anguish / 1
GN671.P5 H37 Compadrinazgo : ritual kinship in the Philippines / 1