Call Number (LC) Title Results
GN778.22.S72 O75 1995 The origins of complex societies in late prehistoric Iberia / 1
GN778.22.Y8 G74 1986 The paleoeconomy of the Central Balkans (Serbia) : a zooarchaeological perspective on the late Neolithic and Bronze Age (ca. 4500-1000 B.C.) / 1
GN778.25 Materiality and Consumption in the Bronze Age Mediterranean
Materiality and Consumption in the Bronze Age Mediterranean.
Stone Vessels and Values in the Bronze Age Mediterranean.
GN778.25 .B384 2013 Southern Horrors : Northern Visions of the Mediterranean World. 1
GN778.25 B79 2008 The power of technology in the Bronze Age eastern Mediterranean : the case of the painted plaster / 1
GN778.25 .B83 2011 Images of woman and child from the Bronze Age : reconsidering fertility, maternity, and gender in the ancient world / 1
GN778.25 .C36 2014 The Cambridge prehistory of the Bronze and Iron Age Mediterranean / 1
GN778.25 .C36 2015 The Cambridge prehistory of the Bronze and Iron Age Mediterranean / 1
GN778.25 .C48 2018 Change, continuity, and connectivity : North-Eastern Mediterranean at the turn of the Bronze Age and in the early Iron Age / 1
GN778.25 .C55 2014 1177 B.C. : the year civilization collapsed / 1
GN778.25 .F67 2009 Forces of transformation : the end of the Bronze Age in the Mediterranean : proceedings of an international symposium held at St. John's College, University of Oxford 25-6th March, 2006 / 1
GN778.25 G373 2019 Country in the City 1
GN778.25 .L34 2019 The archaeology of late Bronze Age interaction and mobility at the gates of Europe : people, things and networks around the southern Adriatic Sea / 1
GN778.25.M384 2010 Material Connections in the Ancient Mediterranean : Mobility, Materiality and Identity. 1
GN778.25 .M384 2010eb Material connections in the ancient Mediterranean : mobility, materiality, and Mediterranean identities / 1
GN778.25 .S74 2013eb Materiality and consumption in the bronze age Mediterranean / 1
GN778.28 Pastoralist landscapes and social interaction in bronze age Eurasia / 3
GN778.28 A584 2010 The Horse, the Wheel, and Language / 1
GN778.28 G754 2016 Metallurgical Production in Northern Eurasia in the Bronze Age. 1
GN778.28 .K64 2007 The making of bronze age Eurasia / 1