Call Number (LC) Title Results
GN780.32.I4 S46 1994 Painted grey ware : proceedings of Seminar on Archaeology held at the Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, August 18-19, 1968 / 1
GN780.32.I7 Iran : Iron Age I / 1
GN780.32.I7 M43 1982 Iran : Iron Age I / 1
GN780.32.N4 Displays of cultural hegemony and counter-hegemony in the late Bronze and Iron age Levant : the public presence of foreign powers and local resistance / 1
GN780.32.P6 L63 2008 A Lemery archaeological sequence / 1
GN780.32.T9 A52 2001 Anatolian Iron Ages 5 : proceedings of the Fifth Anatolian Iron Ages Colloquium held at Van, 6-10 August 2001 / 1
GN780.32.T9 A52 2004 Anatolian Iron Ages 6 : the proceedings of the Sixth Anatolian Iron Ages Colloquium held at Eskişehir, 16-20 August 2004 / 1
GN780.32.T9 A52 2010 Anatolian Iron Ages 7 : proceedings of the Seventh Anatolian Iron Age Colloquium held at Edirne, 19-24 2010 / 1
GN780.4.A1 A37 1985 African iron working, ancient and traditional / 1
GN780.4.A1 C85 1996 The culture and technology of African iron production / 1
GN780.4.A1 O44 Africa in the Iron Age, c500 B.C. to A.D. 1400 / 2
GN780.42.S6 H84 2007 Handbook to the Iron Age : the archaeology of pre-colonial farming societies in Southern Africa / 1
GN780.42.S66 H85 2005 Mapungubwe : ancient African civilisation on the Limpopo / 1
GN780.42.Z3 D47 1985 Man on the Kafue : the archaeology and history of the Itezhitezhi area of Zambia / 1
GN780.42.Z3 V63 Kumadzulo, an early Iron Age village site in southern Zambia. 1
GN783 .C47 1990 Xue ju wen hua = Xueju wenhua / 1
GN783 .D6 The early cave-men / 1
GN783 .D6 1904 The early cave-men / 1
GN783 .E7 All about prehistoric cave men / 1
GN783 .J67 2007 Life in a cave / 2