GN792.E8 W47 1979
The monument builders / |
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GN792.F8 A75
Les dolmens du département de l'Hérault. |
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GN792.F8 D3
The prehistoric chamber tombs of France : a geographical, morphological, and chronological survey. |
1 |
GN792.G3 Z544 2016
Zur Chronologie und Gruppengliederung der westlichen Hügelgräberkultur |
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GN792.G7 T45
Megalithic sites in Britain / |
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GN792.I5 P4
The megalithic culture of Indonesia / |
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GN792.I7 O7 1964a
New Grange and the Bend of the Boyne / |
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GN792.I8 .L5
I nuraghi : torri preistoriche di Sardegna. |
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GN792.M4 R5
The megalithic culture of Melanesia. |
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GN792.S8 T5 1932
Megalithische oudheden in Zuid-Sumatra / |
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Beyond barrows : Current research on the structuration and perception of the prehistoric landscape through monuments / |
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GN795 .B49 2007
Beyond the grave : new perspectives on barrows / |
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GN795 .G74 2014eb
British barrows : a record of the examination of sepulchral mounds in various parts of England / |
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GN795 .G75 2015
The ancient burial-mounds of England |
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GN795 M54 1985
The origin and function of the earthen long barrows of northern Europe / |
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GN796.C9 .B8
Slovanské mohyly v Skalici. : Slawische Hügelgräber in Skalica. |
1 |
GN796 .F69 2015
Life and death in the Bronze age an archaeologist's field-work / |
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GN796.F8 J5
Les sépultures à char du premier âge du fer en France. |
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GN796.G7 A82 1984
The earthen long barrow in Britain : an introduction to the study of the funerary practice and culture of the Neolithic people of the third millennium B.C. / |
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GN796.G7 B37 1996
Barrows in the Peak District : recent research / |
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