Call Number (LC) Title Results
GN799.T6 .K66 2000eb Understanding stone tools and archaeological sites / 1
GN799.T6 K69 2020eb The dialectic of practice and the logical structure of the tool : philosophy, archaeology and the anthropology of technology. 1
GN799.T6 L56 2001 Lithic debitage : context, form, meaning / 1
GN799.T6 L565 2000 Lithics in action : papers from the conference Lithic Studies in the Year 2000 / 1
GN799.T6 M85 2003 Multiple approaches to the study of bifacial technologies / 1
GN799.T6 M88 2022 Technological Styles in the Jebel Gharbi Lithic Industries of the Late Pleistocene (North-Western Libya) 1
GN799.T6 O2 1963 Man the tool-maker. 1
GN799.T6 O2 1964a Man the tool-maker / 1
GN799.T6 P76 1997 Projectile technology / 1
GN799.T6 P76 1997eb Projectile technology / 1
GN799.T6 R683 1991 Ancient metal axes and other tools in the Royal Ontario Museum : European and Mediterranean types / 1
GN799.T6 R8 Note sur la découverte d'importants gisements de silex taillés dans les collines de la Flandre occidentale : comparaison de ces silex avec ceux du Chalk-Plateau de Kent / 1
GN799.T6 S26 1997 Prehistoric woodworking : the analysis and interpretation of Bronze and Iron Age toolmarks / 1
GN799.T6 S26 2016 Prehistoric woodworking the analysis and interpretation of bronze and iron age toolmarks / 1
GN799.T6 S35 1993 Making silent stones speak : human evolution and the dawn of technology / 1
GN799.T6 S54 2017 Stone tools in human evolution : behavioral differences among technological primates / 1
GN799.T6S54 2017 Stone Tools in Human Evolution : Behavioral Differences among Technological Primates / 1
GN799.T6 S82 2005 Stone knapping : the necessary conditions for a uniquely hominin behaviour / 1
GN799.T6 S83 1996 Stone tools : theoretical insights into human prehistory / 1
GN799.T6 S83 1996eb Stone tools : theoretical insights into human prehistory / 2