Call Number (LC) Title Results
GP 1.2:St 9/18/933 Style Manual of the United States Government Printing Office, Revised Edition, Mar. 1933. 1
GP 1.2:St 9/18/934 Foreign languages for the use of printers and translators supplement to Style manual of the United States Government Printing Office /
Style Manual of the United States Government Printing Office, Revised Edition, Feb. 1934.
GP 1.2:ST 9/18/934/S Foreign languages for the use of printers and translators supplement to Style manual of the United States Government Printing Office / 1
GP 1.2:ST 9/18/934/SUPP. 2D. ED Foreign languages for the use of printers and translators supplement to Style manual of the United States Government Printing Office / 1
GP 1.2:St 9/18/935 U.S. Government Printing Office style manual, Nov. 1935 [instructions on form and style to facilitate government printing and binding] 1
GP 1.2:St 9/18/939 United States Government Printing Office Style Manual, Revised Edition, Jan. 1939. 1
GP 1.2:St 9/18/939-2 United States Government Printing Office style manual, revised edition, January 1939. 1
GP 1.2:St 9/18/939/abridgeded United States Government Printing Office, Style Manual (Abridged), Revised Edition, Jan. 1939. 1
GP 1.2:St 9/18/945 United States Government Printing Office style manual. 1
GP 1.2:St 9/19 Revising the Style manual
Revising the Style manual.
GP 1.2:Sy 5/931 Syllabication, appendix to Government Printing Office Style manual
Syllabication, appendix to Government Printing Office Style manual.
GP 1.2:SY 6 Symbols of the U.S. government : Ben's activity book. 2
GP 1.2:T 22 Technical investigations made by Division of Tests and Technical Control; address delivered before Washington Club of Printing House Craftsmen, Washington, D.C
Technical investigations made by Division of Tests and Technical Control; address delivered before Washington Club of Printing House Craftsmen, Washington, D.C.
GP 1.2:T 22/2/rev.931 Technical books; list of books pertaining to printing, presswork, binding, photo-engraving, cost finding, etc., in office of Superintendent of Printing and available for use of officials of Government Printing Office
Technical books; list of books pertaining to printing, presswork, binding, photo-engraving, cost finding, etc., in office of Superintendent of Printing and available for use of officials of Government Printing Office.
GP 1.2:T 22/3 Proceedings and papers of 2nd Technical Conference of Printing Industry, held in Harding Hall, Government Printing Office, Mar. 16-17, 1931
Proceedings and papers of 2nd Technical Conference of Printing Industry, held in Harding Hall, Government Printing Office, Mar. 16-17, 1931.
GP 1.2:T 22/CORR CD technology / 1
GP 1.2:T 68 Training and research at Government Printing Office; address by Hon. George H. Carter, Public Printer of U.S., at 43rd annual convention of United Typothetae of America, Washington, D.C., Sept. 17, 1929 2
GP 1.2:T 73 Trip through U.S. Government Printing Office by members of 1st Pan American Congress of Journalists, Apr. 7, 1926
Trip through U.S. Government Printing Office by members of 1st Pan American Congress of Journalists, Apr. 7, 1926.
GP 1.2:T 79 Microphotographic study of tubercle bacillus (consumption germ) 2
GP 1.2:T 98/1 [Specimen book of types in Government Printing Office] 2