GR655 .S32 2006eb
Grandmothers counsel the world : women elders offer their vision for our planet / |
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GR678 .J6
Der Wassergeist und der Sumpfgeist. : Untersuchungen volkstümlicher Glaubensvorstellungen bei den Völkern des ostbaltischen Raumes und bei den Ostslaven. |
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GR678 .S67 1998
Storia sociale dell'acqua : riti e culture / |
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GR678 .T79 1696
A discourse of waters. Shewing the particular natures, various uses, and wonderful operations both in food and physick, the all-wise creator hath endued this cleansing element with. I. Of rain-water. II. River or running-water. III. Spring or fountain-water. IV. Well or pump water. V. Pond or standing-water, with something concerning purging-waters. Published for the benefit of mankind. / |
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GR680 .I782 1948
Kappa komahiki kō : Hikaku minzokugakuteki kenkyū / |
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GR685 .L49 2006
The flood myths of early China / |
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GR685 .L49 2006eb
The flood myths of early China / |
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GR685 ebook
El gran diluvio : mitos americanos sobre la ultima catástrofe planetaria / |
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Sacred waters : a cross-cultural compendium of hallowed springs and holy wells / |
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GR690 .C666 1998
Stone and tree sheltering water : an exploration of sacred and secular wells in County Louth / |
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GR690 .H45 2023
Holy wells of Ireland : sacred realms and popular domains / |
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GR690 .R33 2001
Fishstonewater : holy wells of Ireland / |
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GR690 .R37 1995
The living stream : holy wells in historical context / |
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GR690 .V37 2009eb
Sacred wells : a study in the history, meaning, and mythology of holy wells & waters / |
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GR690 .W54
Der Brunnen in der deutschen Dichtung : eine motivgeschichtliche Untersuchung. |
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GR700 .A37x 1914
Der tiersprachenkundige Mann und seine neugierige Frau : eine vergleichende Märchenstudie / |
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Les Animaux dans les traditions populaires en Picardie : Conférence faite aux Rosati picards, séance du 26 mars 1906. |
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GR705 .A537 2014
Animals and early modern identity / |
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GR705 .A54 1996
Animals in the Middle Ages : a book of essays / |
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GR705 .A55 2016
Animals in the Middle Ages / |
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