GR705 .B35 1993
Picturing the beast : animals, identity, and representation / |
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GR705 .B35 2001
Picturing the beast : animals, identity, and representation / |
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GR705 .B497 2023eb
Birds and beasts of ancient Mesoamerica : animal symbolism in the Postclassic period / |
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GR705 .B53 2000
The animalizing imagination : totemism, textuality and ecocriticism / |
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GR705 .D475 2016
Histoire des animaux célèbres, industrieux, intelligents ou extraordinaires, et des chiens savants : Y compris l'histoire véridique de ce chien de Jean de Nivelle. |
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GR705 .F43 2015
Feathers, paws, fins, and claws : fairy-tale beasts / |
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GR705 .I63 2017
Indigenous creatures, native knowledges, and the arts : animal studies in modern worlds / |
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GR705 .J46 1994
Duck's breath and mouse pie : a collection of animal superstitions / |
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GR705 .K38 2016
The gift of the unicorn and other animal helper tales for storytellers, educators, and librarians / |
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GR705 .M38 2019
Le symbolism des animaux au Moyen Âge / |
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GR705 .P35
Schutzgeister und Gottheiten des Wildes (der Jagdtiere und Fische) in Nordeurasien eine religionsethnographische und religionsphänomenologische Untersuchung jägerischer Glaubensvorstellungen / |
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GR705 .R68
Animals with human faces : a guide to animal symbolism. |
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GR705 .S3
Historias, lendas e folclore de nossos bichos. |
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GR705 .S34 1990
The frog king : on legends, fables, fairy tales, and anecdotes of animals / |
2 |
GR705 .S344 2001
The mythical zoo : an encyclopedia of animals in world myth, legend, & literature / |
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GR705 .S345 1992
The parliament of animals : anecdotes and legends from books of natural history, 1775-1900 / |
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GR705 .S36 1937
Der Hund in der griechisch-römischen Magie und Religion. |
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GR705 .S458 2004
Shi er sheng xiao yu Zhongguo wen hua cong shu. |
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GR705 .S48 2009
Animal capital : rendering life in biopolitical times / |
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GR705 .S48 2009eb
Animal capital : rendering life in biopolitical times / |
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