Call Number (LC) Title Results
GT3050.L86 2009 Tales of Hi and Bye : Greeting and Parting Rituals Around the World. 1
GT3050 .M313 The gift : forms and functions of exchange in archaic societies / 1
GT3050 .M4 Styles of address : a manual of usage in writing and in speech. 1
GT3050 .M4 1969 Styles of address : a manual of usage in writing and in speech. 1
GT3050 .M57 Der Bereicherungsgedanke bei der Schenkung unter Ehegatten / 1
GT3050 .S376 2016 Abschied nehmen Veränderungen einer kommunikativen Kultur im 19 1
GT3050 .T46 2007eb Strategic affection? : gift exchange in seventeenth-century Holland /
Strategic affection? gift exchange in seventeenth-century Holland /
GT3050 .W33 2020eb Exit / 1
GT3050 .W57 2023 Wine and the gift : from production to consumption / 1
GT3050.5.G3 A4513 2008 The Hitler salute : on the meaning of a gesture / 2
GT3050.5.R57 G65 2010 Salutationes : die Morgenbegrüssungen in Rom in der Republik und der frühen Kaiserzeit / 1
GT3055 .B68 Scatalogic rites of all nations : a dissertation upon the employment of excrementitious remedial agents in religion, therapeutics, divination, witchcraft, love-philters, etc., in all parts of the globe / 1
GT3055 .B6815 Der unrat in sitte, brauch, glauben und gewohnheitrecht der völker / 1
GT3055 .L48 1999 Merde : excursions in scientific, cultural, and sociohistorical coprology / 1
GT3080 .B96 2017 Swear!ng is g*od f*r you : the amaz!ng sc!ence of bad language / 1
GT3080 .D66 1996 Blue streak : swearing, free speech, and sexual harassment / 3
GT3080 E53 1635 By the King, a proclamation for the suppressing of profane swearing and cursing 1
GT3080 .G7 1972 Lars Porsena, or, The future of swearing and improper language. 1
GT3080 .G72 The future of swearing and improper language / 1
GT3080 (INTERNET) The co[n]uercyon of swerers 1