Call Number (LC) Title Results
GT3080 .J8 1948 The lost art of profanity / 1
GT3080 .M6 The anatomy of swearing. 1
GT3085 .A3313 2011 The sacrament of language : an archaeology of the oath (Homo sacer II, 3) / 1
GT3085 .H67 2007 Horkos : the oath in Greek society / 1
GT3085 (INTERNET) Two speeches delivered before the subscribing of the Covenant, the 25. of September, at St. Margarets in Westminster the one by Mr. Philip Nye, the other by Mr. Alexander Henderson.
One antidote more, against that provoking sin of swearing, by reason of which this land now mourneth given forth from under the burden of the oppressed seed of God, by way of reply both to Henry Den's epistle about the lawfulness, antiquity, and universality of an oath, and his answers to the Quakers objections against it ... : and also to Jeremiah Ives his printed plea ... The great case of conscience opened ... /
A Christen exhortacion vnto customable swearers What a ryght [and] lawfull othe is : whan, and before whom, it owght to be. Item. The maner of sayinge grace, or geuynge thankes vnto God.
Oaths no gospel ordinance but prohibited by Christ being in answer to A. Smallwood, D.D. to his book lately published, being a sermon preached at Carlile, 1664, wherein he hath laboured to prove swearing lawful among Christians, his reasons and arguments are weighed and answered, and the Doctrines of Christ vindicated against the conceptions and interpretations of men, who would make it void /
The obligation resulting from the Oath of Supremacy to assist and defend the pre-eminence or prerogative of the dispensative power belonging to the King, his heirs and successors. In the asserting of that power various historical passages occurring in the usurpation after the year 1641. are occasionally mentioned; and an account is given at large of the progress of the power of dispensing as to acts of Parliament about religion since the reformation; and of divers judgments of Parliaments declaring their approbation of the exercise of such power, and particularly in what concerns the punishment of disability, or incapacity.
The pretences of the French invasion examined for the information of the people of England
An enquiry into the oath required of non-conformists by an act made at Oxford wherein the true meaning of it, and the warrantableness of taking it, is considered /
GT3085 .S65 1690 Some serious resolutions drawn from reason and scipture [sic]; removing all scruples raised by tender consciencies touching the present oaths required to be taken to the government, by all persons that have any interest in any messuages, or lands, in law or equity; if above eighteen years of age, for securing the peace of the kingdom, the Protestant religion, the laws, lives, liberties, and properties of the subject, when the destruction of them all at once, are aimed at by papists, and their adha'rents, and attempted. Sufficient to convince all well-meaning unprejudiced persons, that are not biggotted to popery in their hearts, of the lawfullness, and reasonableness of the aforesaid oaths. / 1
GT3085 .T945 2010 "Ueber die Eide" : Zucht und Kritik im Preussen der Aufklärung / 1
GT3085 .W34 1690 An answer to a late pamphlet, entituled, Obedience and submission to the present government, demonstrated from Bishop Overall's Convocation-book Together with a particular answer to Dr. Sherlock's late Case of allegiance, &c.
An answer to a late pamphlet, entituled, Obedience and submission to the present government, demonstrated from Bp. Overall's Convocation-book with a poscript [sic] in answer to Dr. Sherlock's Case of allegiance.
GT3150 Sans sépulture : modalités et enjeux de la privation de funérailles de la préhistoire à nos jours /
Unburied bodies : subversive corpses and the authority of the dead /
Heritage of death : landscapes of emotion, memory and practice /
Death in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Times The Material and Spiritual Conditions of the Culture of Death.
The best death : how to die well /
Remembering and dismembering the dead : posthumous punishment, harm and redemption over time /
Death and dying : views from many cultures /
The archaeology of death in Roman Syria : burial, commemoration, and empire /
Residues of death : disposal refigured /
RITUALS OF DEATH from prehistoric times to now.
GT3150 .A575 2007 L'archéologie funéraire / 1
GT3150 .B32 2011 The funeral kit : mortuary practices in the archaeological record / 1
GT3150 .B32 2011eb The funeral kit : mortuary practices in the archaeological record / 1
GT3150 .B34 1997 Grave matters : a lively history of death around the world / 2
GT3150 .B35 1930 Death customs : an analytical study of burial rites / 1
GT3150 .B35 2016 The funeral kit mortuary practices in the archaeological record / 1
GT3150 .C37 2002 Nos morts : les sociétés occidentales face aux tués de la guerre, XIXe-XXe siècles / 1
GT3150 .C58 1997 Corpses, coffins, and crypts : a history of burial / 1
GT3150 .C74 The art of dying / 1
GT3150 .D39 1984 Death : an anthology of ancient texts, songs, prayers, and stories / 2
GT3150 .D39 2021 American afterlives : reinventing death in the twenty-first century / 1