Call Number (LC) Title Results
GT3242 .B87 1997 Burial & society : the chronological and social analysis of archaeological burial data / 1
GT3242 .C65 2007 Comportements, croyances et mémoires : Europe méridionale, XV-XXe siècle : études offertes à Régis Bertrand / 1
GT3242 .C87 1980b A celebration of death : an introduction to some of the buildings, monuments, and settings of funerary architecture in the Western European tradition / 1
GT3242 .C87 2002 Death and architecture : an introduction to funerary and commemorative buildings in the Western European tradition, with some consideration of their settings / 1
GT3242 .J677 2013 Le cimetière au village dans l'Europe médiévale et moderne : actes des XXXVes Journées internationales d'histoire de l'abbaye de Flaran, 11 et 12 octobre 2013 / 1
GT3242 .P39 1990 Christianizing death : the creation of a ritual process in early medieval Europe / 1
GT3242 .P53 2000 The place of the dead : death and remembrance in late medieval and early modern Europe / 1
GT3242 .P76 2024eb Pro refrigerio animae : death and memory in East-Central Europe fourteenth-nineteenth centuries / 1
GT3242 .S3613 2020 The corpse in the Middle Ages : embalming, cremating, and the cultural construction of the dead body / 1
GT3242 .S635 1999 Les funérailles à la renaissance : XIIe colloque international de la Société française d'étude du seizième siècle Bar-le Duc, 2-5 décembre 1999 / 1
GT3242 .V47 1999 The political lives of dead bodies : reburial and postsocialist change / 1
GT3242 ebook La muerte de los príncipes en la Edad Media : balance y perspectivas historiográficas / 1
GT3243 British royal and state funerals : music and ceremonial since Elizabeth I / 1
GT3243.A2 D38 1992 Death in towns : urban responses to the dying and the dead, 100-1600 / 1
GT3243.A2 J35 1996 Death in the Victorian family / 1
GT3243 .B39 2017 Anglo-Saxon graves and grave goods of the 6th and 7th centuries AD : a chronological framework / 1
GT3243 .B87 2010 Burial in later Anglo-Saxon England c. 650-1100 AD / 1
GT3243 .C53 1997 The changing face of death : historical accounts of death and disposal / 1
GT3243.C69 2010 The Good Funeral Guide. 1
GT3243 .D36 1997 Death and burial in medieval England, 1066-1550 / 1