Call Number (LC) Title Results
GT3520 .E54 2017 Medieval empires and the culture of competition : literary duels at Islamic and Christian courts / 1
GT3520 .H46 2007eb Roman barbarians the royal court and culture in the early Medieval West / 1
GT3520 .H644 2010 Höfe und Residenzen geistlicher Fürsten : Strukturen, Regionen und Salzburgs Beispiel in Mittelalter und Neuzeit : Ergebnisse der internationalen und interdisziplinären Tagung in der Salzburger Residenz, 19.-22. Februar 2009 / 1
GT3520 .J34 1985 The origins of courtliness : civilizing trends and the formation of courtly ideals, 939-1210 / 1
GT3520 .R54 2005 Rhetoric and the discourses of power in court culture : China, Europe, and Japan / 1
GT3520 .R647 2021 Significant Others Aspects of Deviance and Difference in Premodern Court Cultures. 1
GT3520 .S34 1991 Knights at court : courtliness, chivalry, & courtesy from Ottonian Germany to the Italian Renaissance / 1
GT3520 .S4 Das höfische leben zur zeit der minnesinger / 1
GT3520 .S54 2021 Significant others : aspects of deviance and difference in premodern court cultures / 1
GT3520 .T56 1995 The medieval hall : the basis of secular domestic life, 600-1600 AD / 1
GT3530 .C68 2017  
GT3530 .E27 2022eb Early modern court culture / 1
GT3530 .E87 2004 Europa triumphans : court and civic festivals in early modern Europe / 1
GT3530 .M6 The golden age of princes / 1
GT3530 .W37 2013eb Waterborne pageants and festivities in the Renaissance : essays in honour of J.R. Mulryne / 1
GT3530 .W38 2016 Waterborne pageants and festivities in the Renaissance : essays in honour of J.R. Mulryne / 1
GT3550 Late medieval castles / 1
GT3550 A55 2002eb  
GT3550 .H56 2001 Life in the Middle Ages. 2
GT3550 .W3 1971 The medieval castle : life in a fortress in peace and war. 1