Call Number (LC) Title Results
GV1102.7.S85 M37 1995 Martial arts teachers on teaching / 1
GV1102.7.T7 F65 2018 Autoethnography : examining gender and body in martial arts / 1
GV1102.7.T7 L364 2007 Jugendliche und Kampfsport : Persönlichkeitsentwicklung und Wertevermittlung in der Kampfsportausbildung. 1
GV1102.7.T7 U48 2001 Ultimate training for the martial arts / 2
GV1102.7.T7 Y68 1997 Martial arts home training : the complete guide to the construction and use of home training equipment / 1
GV1103 .B34 The Baiting of the tyger, or, A True relation of a bloody rencounter that lately happen'd between a foreign cat and four great English dogs at the Cockpit Royal near St. James Park, in the presence of several dukes, lords, knights, ladies, squires and cits together with a particular relation how the first dog was slain and the rest dangerously wounded : set forth in a piece of doggrel for the benefit and satisfaction of the publick. 2
GV1107 Women and bullfighting : gender, sex and the consumption of tradition /
Les Courses de taureaux : Encyclopédie des sports.
GV1107 .A495 1990 Lenguaje taurino y sociedad / 1
GV1107 .A567 1987 Toros y cultura. 1
GV1107 .A93 1896 Fiesta in Pamplona / 1
GV1107 .B312 Historia de los matadores de toros, 1738-1943 : semblanzas de todos los espadas con alternativa, desde los tiempos primitivos del toreo a pie hasta nuestros días / 1
GV1107 .B37 1937 Juan Belmonte, killer of bulls : the autobiography of a matador / 1
GV1107 .B4 El arte de birlibirloque / 1
GV1107 .B57 1983 Antes y después del guerra : medio siglo de toreo / 1
GV1107 .B78 1958 Bullfight. 1
GV1107 .B84 1967 The bullfight : a photographic narrative / 1
GV1107 .C26 1994 A la sombra de la muerte : toros, toreros y públicos / 1
GV1107 .C3818 1962 Las orejas y el rabio / 1
GV1107 .C622 Encyclopedia of bullfighting. 1
GV1107 .C623 1953 La fiesta brava : the art of the bull ring. 1