Call Number (LC) Title Results
GV1185 .K46 Target archery / 1
GV1185 .L3 1929 Modern archery : a text book on the art of shooting for accuracy with the bow and arrow / 1
GV1185 .O35 Archery-golf guide.
Archery, riding guide.
GV1185 .P77 Archery / 1
GV1185 .R4 1940 Archery / 1
GV1185 .R4 1940a Archery : modern methods in the fundamentals of target archery / 1
GV1185 .R4 1961 Archery / 1
GV1185 .R66 Archery simplified / 1
GV1185 .S37 Archery, from golds to big game / 1
GV1186.A93 S74 2007 Zen bow, Zen arrow : the life and teachings of Awa Kenzo, the archery master from Zen in the art of archery / 1
GV1188.C6 Chinese archery studies : theoretic and historic approaches to a martial discipline / 1
GV1188.C6 Y834 2013 Liang Zhou she li yan jiu = Study on the rite of archery in western and eastern Zhou dynasties / 1
GV1188.G7 (INTERNET) The proclamacion made and de[vised by the] kynges hyghnesse our soueraygne lorde and his honorable counsaile ... 1
GV1188.J3 H4616 1982 Nihon no kyūjutsu / 1
GV1188.J3 K87 1988 One arrow, one life : Zen, archery, and daily life / 1
GV1188.J3 Y3313 2009 Shots in the dark : Japan, Zen, and the West / 1
GV1188.K6 T34 2009 Chosŏn sidae taesarye wa hyangsarye / 1
GV1188.K6 T66 2010 Tongbuga hwalssogi sinhwa wa chunghwajuŭi sinhwaron pip'an / 1
GV1189 .B7 Skills test manual : archery for boys and girls / 1
GV1189 .N4 Beginning archery / 1