Call Number (LC) Title Results
GV1200 .B28 The past of pastimes. 2
GV1200 .B4 1968 The games of children : their origin and history / 1
GV1200 .B45 2006 Jouer autrefois : essai sur le jeu dans la France moderne (XVIe-XVIIIe siècle) / 1
GV1200 .C365 2019 The Cambridge handbook of play : developmental and disciplinary perspectives / 1
GV1200 .D38 2023 What is a playhouse? : England at play, 1520-1620 / 1
GV1200 .D5 Dictionnaire des jeux / 1
GV1200 .F54 1999 Fiestas, juegos y espectáculos en la España Medieval Actas del 7 Curso de Cultura Medieval, celebrado en Aguilar de Campoo [Palencia] del 18 al 21 de septiembre de 1995 / 1
GV1200 .F7413 An illustrated history of toys / 1
GV1200 .G55 2017 Il gioco nella società e nella cultura dell'Alto Medioevo : Spoleto, 20-26 aprile 2017. 1
GV1200 .G6 1953 Peepshow into paradise : a history of children's toys / 1
GV1200 .N35 2016 Gendai gēmu zenshi : bunmei no yūgi shikan kara / 1
GV1200 .P42 2001 Play today in the primary school playground : life, learning, and creativity / 1
GV1200 .S63 2021 Games of history : games and gaming as historical sources / 1
GV1200 .S76 2014 Sport und Spiel bei den Germanen : Nordeuropa von der römischen Kaiserzeit bis zum Mittelalter / 1
GV1200 .W55 2002 Sports and games of medieval cultures / 1
GV1200 .Y85 2003 Yūgei bunka to dentō / 1
GV1201 Game Logic : Level Up and Create Your Own Games with Science Activities for Kids.
Playful materialities : the stuff that games are made of /
Market Oversight Games.
Baúl de juegos internacional el proceso de restaurar la actividad ludica de los niños en situaciones de crisis /
100 playground games for children /
Games, sports, and play : philosophical essays /
GV1201 .A525 1956 Fun for parties and programs. 1
GV1201 .A55 1959 How we do it game book : selected games from the How we do it column of the Journal of health-physical education-recreation. 1
GV1201 .A575 Fun with games / 1