Call Number (LC) Title Results
GV1547.H86 2017 Game Magic A Designer's Guide to Magic Systems in Theory and Practice. 1
GV1547 .J57 2011 Trade of the Tricks : Inside the Magician's Craft. 2
GV1547 .K33 1973 The Stein and Day handbook of magic / 1
GV1547 .L516 The real book about magic / 1
GV1547 .M37 2021eb The maker magician's handbook : a beginner's guide to magic and making / 1
GV1547 .O53 1999 The complete idiot's guide to magic tricks / 1
GV1547 .R6313 2011  
GV1547 ebook Topografía de lo insólito : la magia y lo fantástico literario en la Francia del siglo XIX / 1
GV1548 .E364 1996eb The most excellent book of how to be a magician / 1
GV1548 .K43 1958C Spooky magic : by Larry Kettelkamp ; illustrated by William Meyeeriecks. 1
GV1548 .S49 1982 Nothing's impossible! : stunts to entertain and amaze / 1
GV1548 .W85 Magic secrets / 1
GV1549 .D53 2011eb Magical mathematics : the mathematical ideas that animate great magic tricks / 1
GV1549 .E483 1996eb The most excellent book of how to do card tricks / 1
GV1555 .H63x 1682 Hocus pocus junior. The anatomy of legerdemain; or, The art of jugling. Set forth in its proper colours, fully, plainly, and exactly; so that an ignorant person may thereby learn the full perfection of the same, after a little practice. Unto each trick is added the figure, where it is needful for insctuction. 1
GV1555 .H68 1658 Hocus pocus juinor [sic]. The anatomy of legerdemain. Or, The art of jugling [sic] set forth in his proper colours, fully, plainly, and exactly; so that an ignorant person may thereby learn the full perfection of the the same, after a little practise. Unto each trick is added the figure where it is needfull for instruction. 1
GV1557 .C66 2000 Dumbstruck : a cultural history of ventriloquism / 1
GV1557 .G65 2006 Art and ventriloquism / 1
GV1557 .G65 2006eb Art and ventriloquism / 1
GV1557 .G65 2014 Art and Ventriloquism. 1