Call Number (LC) Title Results
GV1650.P3 G88 2015 Parisian music-hall ballet, 1871-1913 / 2
GV1650.P3 O64 1925 Les représentations de Mme. Argentina, et de sa troupe de ballets espagnols / 1
GV1651 New German dance studies /
Hitler's dancers : German modern dance and the Third Reich /
GV1651 .C37 1988 La danza e l'agitprop : i teatri-non-teatrali nella cultura tedesca del primo Novecento / 1
GV1651 .E57 2014 Watching Weimar dance / 2
GV1651 .K3713 2003 Hitler's dancers : German modern dance and the Third Reich / 1
GV1651 .N48 2012 New German dance studies / 1
GV1651 .P74 1990 Schrifttanz : a view of German dance in the Weimar Republic / 1
GV1652.5 .G54 2013 The body of the people : East German dance since 1945 / 1
GV1652.5 .G54 2013eb The body of the people : East German dance since 1945 / 2
GV1653 .M6813 Greek dances for Americans / 1
GV1653 .P4 Folk dances of the Greeks : origins and instructions / 1
GV1655 .C3 La danza in Italia, 1500-1900. 1
GV1655 .C67 1981 The book on the art of dancing / 1
GV1655 G914 2005 Balletti : in occasione delle felicissime nozze di sua eccellenza la signora Loredana Duodo con sua eccellenza il signor Antonio Grimani / 1
GV1655 .L48 2005 Italian ballet, 1637-1977 : a catalogue / 1
GV1655 .M37 Inventory of 15th century bassedanze, balli & balletti in Italian dance manuals / 1
GV1655 .T46 1983 Ten dances from sixteenth century Italy / 1
GV1655 .V47 2001 Baccanti e dive dell'aria : donne danza e società in Italia 1900-1945 / 1
GV1660.B77 N48 2018 Footprints of the dance : an early seventeenth-century dance master's notebook / 1