Call Number (LC) Title Results
GV1785.H6 S6 Hanya Holm; the biography of an artist. 1
GV1785.H6 S6 1979 Hanya Holm The Biography of an Artist / 1
GV1785.H64 L47 1993 Lester Horton (1906-1953) genius on the wrong coast : a documentary. 1
GV1785.H64 W37 Lester Horton, modern dance pioneer / 1
GV1785.H77 A33 Dance out the answer : an autobiography / 2
GV1785.H77 R89 2019 La Meri and her life in dance : performing the world / 2
GV1785.H8 A3 Doris Humphrey: an artist first. : An autobiography / 1
GV1785.H8 A3 1995 Doris Humphrey, an artist first : an autobiography / 1
GV1785.H8 D6 1998 The Doris Humphrey legacy 1
GV1785.H8 M28 2012 Directing the dance legacy of Doris Humphrey : the creative impulse of reconstruction / 1
GV1785.H8 S54 1987 Days on earth : the dance of Doris Humphrey / 1
GV1785.H8 S54 1993 Days on earth : the dance of Doris Humphrey / 1
GV1785.H8 S75 The Dance Technique of Doris Humphrey : and Its Creative Potential.
The dance technique of Doris Humphrey and its creative potential /
GV1785.H8 S75 1990 The dance technique of Doris Humphrey and its creative potential / 1
GV1785.H8 T86 1999 Two dances Ritmo jondo : Day on earth / 1
GV1785.I17 R67 2015 Like a bomb going off : Leonid Yakobson and ballet as resistance in Soviet Russia / 1
GV1785.I17 R67 2015eb Like a bomb going off : Leonid Yakobson and ballet as resistance in Soviet Russia / 2
GV1785.I44 A46 1994 Ai-Amour Carlotta Ikeda and her Butoh / 1
GV1785.I86 C34 Michio Ito : the dancer and his dances / 2
GV1785.I86 C34 1977 Michio Ito : the dancer and his dances / 1