Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
GV333.H4 B7 | Clark W. Hetherington : scientist and philosopher. | 1 |
GV333.L3 T5 1971 |
Laban's theory of movement : a new perspective. Laban's theory of movement; a new perspective. |
2 |
GV333.M3 E76 1990 | Weakness is a crime : the life of Bernarr Macfadden / | 1 |
GV333.M3 E76 1991 | Weakness is a crime : the life of Bernarr Macfadden / | 1 |
GV333.M3 M18 | Barefoot in Eden : the Macfadden plan for health, charm and long-lasting youth. | 1 |
GV333.M3 M2 | Dumbbells and carrot strips : the story of Bernarr Macfadden / | 1 |
GV333.M3 O75 | The true story of Bernarr Macfadden / | 1 |
GV333.S25 ebook | Entrenador : eres fundamental / | 1 |
GV333.T8 B3 | Miroslav Tyrs : studie kritická s 22 přilohami. | 1 |
GV341 |
Žák se speciálními vzdělávacími potřebami v tělesné výchově / Foundations of physical education Research ethics in exercise, health and sport sciences / Pedagogical cases in physical education and youth sport / El oficio de enseñar prácticas corporales y motrices : un estudio sobre la trazabilidad del saber en Educación Física / Viaje didáctico por el cuerpo y la mente: experiencia desde la abstracción científico-matemática a la educación física / La Educación Física en la Escuela Routledge handbook of physical education pedagogies / TRAINING AND SUPERVISION IN SPORT AND EXERCISE PSYCHOLOGY Propuestas, estrategias y modelos para el desarrollo de la educación física, la salud y el bienestar / BTEC First Sport Level 2 Assessment Guide : Unit 1 Fitness for sport and Unit 2 Exercise and practical sport performance / TEACHING GAMES AND SPORT FOR UNDERSTANDING. Education in sport and physical activity : future directions and global perspectives / PHYSICAL EDUCATION IN RELATION TO SCHOOL LIFE : a statement of present conditions and future needs. Physical education futures / Global Action Plan on Physical Activity 2018-2030 : More Active People for a Healthier World. Innovar hacia un cambio de paradigma educativo en actividad fisica, deporte y educacion. Optimizacion de la intervencion docente en actividad fisica, deporte y educacion Physical education and wellbeing : global and holistic approaches to child health / Motriz revista de educação física. UNESP. |
21 |
GV341 .A324 1991 | Foundations of physical education, exercise, and sport sciences / | 2 |
GV341 .A34 1960 | Physical education for high school students : a book of sports, athletics, and recreational activities for teen-age boys and girls. | 1 |
GV341 .A34 1970 | Physical education for high school students : a book of sports, athletics, and recreational activities for teen-age boys and girls. | 1 |
GV341 .B43 1983 | Comparative physical education and sport / | 1 |
GV341 .B84 | Physical education : foundations and principles / | 1 |
GV341 .B858 1974 |
Dimensions of physical education / Dimensions of physical education, |
2 |
GV341 .B86 1956 | Foundations of physical education. | 1 |
GV341 .B86 1960 | Foundations of physical education. | 1 |
GV341 .B86 1964 | Foundations of physical education. | 1 |
GV341 .B86 1968 | Foundations of physical education / | 1 |