Call Number (LC) Title Results
H.rp.109-543 U.S.-Israel Energy Cooperation Act 1
H.rp.109-544/1 Federal Employee Protection of Disclosures Act 1
H.rp.109-545/1 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Act 1
H.rp.109-546 Credit Rating Agency Duopoly Relief Act of 2006 1
H.rp.109-547 Cherry Valley National Wildlife Refuge Study Act 1
H.rp.109-548 To Amend Public Law 106-348 To Extend the Authorization for Establishing a Memorial in D.C. or Its Environs To Honor Veterans Who Became Disabled While Serving in the Armed Forces of the U.S 1
H.rp.109-549 To Amend the National Trails System Act To Update the Feasibility and Suitability Study Originally Prepared for the Trail of Tears National Historic Trail and Provide for the Inclusion of New Trail Segments, Land Components, and Campgrounds Associated with That Trail 1
H.rp.109-550 Providing for Consideration of H.R. 2990, Credit Rating Agency Duopoly Relief Act of 2006 1
H.rp.109-551 Providing for Consideration of H.R. 4411, Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act of 2006 1
H.rp.109-552/1 Internet Gambling Prohibition Act 1
H.rp.109-553 To Amend the D.C. College Access Act of 1999 To Reauthorize for 5 Additional Years the Public and Private School Tuition Assistance Programs Established Under the Act 1
H.rp.109-554 Providing for Consideration of H.R. 9, Fannie Lou Hamer, Rosa Parks, and Coretta Scott King Voting Rights Act Reauthorization and Amendments Act of 2006 1
H.rp.109-555 Child and Family Services Improvement Act of 2006 1
H.rp.109-556 Electronic Duck Stamp Act of 2005 1
H.rp.109-557 To Provide for Certain Lands To Be Held in Trust for the Utu Utu Gwaitu Paiute Tribe 1
H.rp.109-558 Natural Resource Protection Cooperative Agreement Act 1
H.rp.109-559 Springfield Armory National Historic Site, Massachusetts Act of 2006 1
H.rp.109-560 Lake Mattamuskeet Lodge Preservation Act 1
H.rp.109-561 Upper Mississippi River Basin Protection Act 1
H.rp.109-562 Partners for Fish and Wildlife Act 1